Hey guys.

We've got kind of a weird issue with my mid 2010 stocked white 13 inch 
Macbook's charger.  I wanted to see if any of you with any type of Macbook, be 
it white or Pro, be it mid 2010 or not, have had this isue, as it's somewhat 
concerning to me, especially, being I don't have the extended Apple Care, and 
my 90 day complementary support is over.  I'm sorry, but right now, I cannot 
afford $250 for the added waranty.  It's going to be a booger enough just to 
pay the $29 for Lion, although yes, that I am going to do no question.  Anyway, 
not to veer off track, basically, I've noticed something really weird.  The 
strange thing is, when Ben was down here visiting with me a few weeks ago, his 
macbook charger did almost the same exact thing.  Basicly, I'm noticing that my 
transformer box on the charger is getting really really warm.  I don't just 
mean a little warm either.  I mean, this sucker's cookin pretty good.  It's not 
hot enough to burn me by any means, but it's enough to where when you touch it, 
you're going... parden the wording... "D***! that's hot!"  I don't smell any 
kind a wire burning or anything electrical that would be off base.  the 
magnetic end that goes in the computer is not warm in the least.  it's not 
cold, nor cool, it's just room temperature like normal.  It seems to be 
grabbing really really well when I put it up to the charger port.  I got to 
give it quite a little tug to get it out.  I'll admit, I lost the plastic cap 
that went over the thing.  I'd not really think that would matter too much 
though.  I know quite a few people who threw their cap away, and nothing bad 
has ever happened.  Anyway, the other weird thing is is the bottom of my 
macbook several times while Ben was down here got really really warm.  Ben, you 
probably could explain to everyone better since you felt it, I didn't.  Would 
you say it was pretty warm?  I don't think it was hot, was it?  I know it was 
more than normal according to what he said.  I know the fan was not being 
covered to the best of my knowledge.  OK, yes, my table cloth was a bit 
wrinkled up, but not bad.  There is no even remote way crums could a gotten 
inside this thing, nor liquid, as it's not even close to anywhere I eat or 
drink.  Not even remotely.  The biggest concern is there have been a few times 
when after being fully charged, I'd leave it plugged in just so I'd not lose 
battery life, as I figured, why unplug it if I'm not needing to move around 
with it?  Anyhow, sometimes the stupid thing when I have had it unplugged, 
charged or not, and plug the charger back into the macbook, will insist on not 
charging.  Often times, it won't even see that the charger is plugged in, 
period.  Now, here's the really! bazaar part in all this.  If I unplug the 
charger from the end going into the macbook, then wait about 5 or 10 seconds, 
then put it back up to the port, and let the magnet grab, and let go, then I 
wait about 30 seconds or so, and go look up in the status bar at the battery, 
guess what!  Yup? You gottit! It's charging beautifully!  Is that not just 
totally? weird?  Here's another weird thing, on Ben's when he was down here, we 
had his system on that exact same power strip.  His system saw that the AC 
power was plugged in, but it wouldn't charge.  I finally had to turn off the 
system and do a PRam reset, and also while off, hold the left shift, left 
control and power keys, and do an SMC reset.  The PRam reset did no good, 
however the SMC reset worked like a charm!  Once rebooted his system charged 
perfectly, and has ever since.  I've also done an SMC reset on mine, but in my 
case, it's still doing it on occasions.  The weird thing is I've tried on two 
different power strips, one of which has a surge protector on it... that's the 
one I"m on now.  It's only done this maybe one time since on that strip.  That 
one time the battery died completely unknowingly, and when I came back to use 
the thing, I had a time trying to get the thing to power back up.  It finally 
did though.  It's been fine ever since.  I will say since I've taken the 
charger out to this strip/surge protector, it's not gotten warm in the least, 
nor has the bottom of the macbook gotten even slightly warm.  It's cool as a 
cucumber.  I've not noticed any odd behavior software wize at all.  no weird 
fan noise, no odd hd noise, no weird CD drive noise, nothing.  Quiet as can be. 
 Perfectly normal.  I'd do a hardware test, but for one, I'm not sure how to 
exactly, and 2, I hear that isn't voiceover friendly.  I can't exactly send 
this thing back to Apple, nor can I afford another charger.  It's all I can do 
as said above to afford the Lion upgrade, let alone the extended Apple plan 
forget about  not service coverage repairs.  What do you all suggest we try, or 

Has anyone else seen this?  Why did it happen more oddly, with both my macbook, 
and! when Ben's which both are stocked mid 2010 white 13 inches.  This is just 
totally whackid!


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