Hello there! I just wanted to let you know that I finally figured it out. I 
have all events set to play a sound and speak
aloud now. Some of them don't seem to have a sound by default, but I'm guessing 
I can try to edit that at a later date. For
now, everything should speak, at least in theory, and the most important events 
should have sounds as well. I still think
that Adium is a lot more complicated than it needs to be, but then again, I'm 
still so new to Mac, that maybe navigating it
will become second nature eventually.
Anyway, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I really appreciate it a 


From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of May McDonald
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 10:01 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: using adium

Yes, sorry about that. Preferences and that you want the events tab. Select it 
and all the settings will show up. 

May and the famous Prince Noah

On 2011-06-29, at 9:42 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

Hi! where in preferences is that an option: setting everything to speak? I've 
looked under events, and just got totally
confused. I couldn't find any preferences like that, and navigating the 
preferences window in adium is a lot tougher than it
seems to be in most other applications. I've got a lot of free time now, so 
will start looking for that option again.


From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of May McDonald
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 9:33 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: using adium

Yes they are read automatically. Just go into preferences at set everything to 

May and the famous Prince Noah

On 2011-06-29, at 9:22 AM, Missy Hoppe wrote:

Hi! Thanks for this information. I believe I've tried this: interracting with 
the unknown area, but no text was revealed by
doing so. So, am I understanding correctly that conversations won't be read out 
automatically by voice-over?? Seems a bit
tedius. I remember the old days; we're talking 8-10 years ago, when MSN 
messenger was really popular. Most of the times, Jaws
just read messages as they were received, and using the software was almost 
pleasant; I was in a hogwarts RPG at the time, so
used messenger even though I didn't like it much. Then, the group disbanded, or 
I lost interest; can't remember which. I
started having trouble with messenger, especially once I upgraded to xp, and 
now that I have win 7 and that live stuff is the
only option, I just don't want to fool with it.
Sorry for the ramble, but I'm just trying to understand. it sounds like Adium 
isn't going to be quite as useable an
alternative as I had hoped. I'm hoping my need for such software is short term 
If any of you want to add me on msn, you can do so using my email address: 
I'm on yahoo messenger under mitmee_pie, and google talk under mitmee.pie.
Facebook is also my email address: melis...@fuse.net.
I suppose you could add me to skype too. I'm mitmee_pie there as well.
Of course, my ideal for correspondance is twitter, where I'm mitmee_pie, or 
just good, old-fashioned email.
But maybe if some of you techies add me on the other instant messengers, it can 
help me learn it and understand it a bit

From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] 
On Behalf Of Thomas Byskov Dalgaard
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 9:06 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: using adium


I have used Facebook and Windows Live with Adium without any issues. Try the 
following when you notice that someone wrote a
message to you:
1. Press vo-left arrow until VOiceover says: Unknown. Interact here, and press 
vo-fn-shift-right arrow to go to the last
message in the log... Or what this command does is go to the bottom of the area 
in which you are at.

Best regards
Mail & MSN:
http://tbd.coolfortheblind.dk <http://tbd.coolfortheblind.dk/> 

Den 29/06/2011 kl. 14.57 skrev Missy Hoppe:

Hello, all. This is my first post to the group. I've only had my macbook pro 
for about 6 weeks now, and freely admit that I
don't know much about it yet.
Over all, I can get it to do what I want most of the time, but I'm writing 
because I'm having a very frustrating problem. I'm
not very much into the social networking thing. I do, in fact, only use twitter 
on a regular basis on my PC.
Well, for several reasons that aren't particularly relevant, I need to try to 
use some other instant messengers, at least
short term. I don't want any of the windows live junk on my main pc, so decided 
that if I do any instant messaging at all,
I'll use the mac. It will be good practice and keep clutter off my main 
Well, I've installed the newest version of adium, and have hooked it up with 
msn, facebook, google chat and yahoo messenger.
All of my contacts are there, but I can't actually have conversations with them.
I was trying to test it with a friend just now, and she doesn't receive my 
messages, and I can't read her responses. At the
moment, I'm just really, really glad Adium was free, because unless I'm missing 
something, which is entirely possible, it
isn't VO-friendly at all. Still, I know a lot of folks, especialy on twitter 
swear by it, so clearly, I'm missing something.
Are there configuration options I need to change? The menus don't work very 
well, but I can try to figure them out if I know
what I'm looking for.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide, and I hope that everyone 
is having a great day!

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