i had the same issue with the app store when I first set it up.
On 2011-06-07, at 9:04 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:

> For one thing, I use the app store all the time and it works perfectly! When 
> I initially set up my mac for the first time, I associated through the set up 
> assistant, my apple ID, so now it knows me, regardless where I am. But, even 
> if you hadn't done that as I did, I can't imagine why that button wouldn't 
> let you hit vo+space, but are you not aware of the command to do a mouse 
> click?  Don't be confused.  I know you already did a click activate with 
> vo+space.  that's not what I'm talking about.  There is a way to actually 
> literally! do a mouse click.  Once you're on the item to physically get 
> clicked, route your mouse pointer just to be on the safe side, with 
> vo+command+F5.  Remember that if you're on a macbook, or a aluminum bluetooth 
> mac keyboard with a function/FN key, you need to do FN+vo+command+F5, 
> provided your 12 F keys are serving as hardware keys, which unless you've 
> gone in and changed that behavior, by default, they will be.  So, ok, cool, 
> we have the mouse now routed.  now hit vo+F5 to confirm. that's the same 
> thing as a second ago, except without the command key.  to route, you did 
> vo+command!+F5.  to just see what is under the mouse and nothing more, it's 
> simply vo+F5.  Again, remember the little caveat about the fn key, if it be 
> needed.  OK, Now the mouse is on the item, to click it, instead of doing 
> vo+space, try doing vo+shift!+Space.  You should hear a small little tickity 
> tick sound, and the button should be clicked.  there ya go.  Frankly though, 
> I don't know about that screen, seeing I never had to deal with it, but I 
> promise you genuinely! it should not! make you have to do that once you're in 
> and all set up.  I use the app store quite regularly. Trust me.  It's 
> extremely! VO friendly.  Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll do 
> my best to help you out.
> Chris.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Shen" <goalb...@gmail.com>
> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 3:07 AM
> Subject: an oversight?
> If you have the latest update in your Mac, you will find the "App Store" 
> under the Apple menu.
> I decided to check it out for the first time today. It asks me for my Apple 
> ID. I gave it my user name and password. The App Store tells me it is not 
> associated with my iTunes account. OK, fine, let's do that.
> Here is the first stumbling block.
> You will first get the standard terms of agreement page. This page requires 
> you to check a checkbox that you have read it, then click the Continue 
> button. I think you know where I'm going with this. The checkbox was fine, no 
> problem. But the Continue button refused to activate with VoiceOver Space. 
> Enter, no way. Space, no dice either.
> It needed a mouse click.
> Next, I get the page to verify my payment information. At the end is the same 
> Continue button. Again, this button does not respond to VoiceOver clicks.
> I get the feeling that anything I do in the App Store is going to be like 
> that.
> I certainly hope it gets checked out at Apple soon.
> -- 
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