For one thing, I use the app store all the time and it works perfectly!
When I initially set up my mac for the first time, I associated through the
set up assistant, my apple ID, so now it knows me, regardless where I am.
But, even if you hadn't done that as I did, I can't imagine why that button
wouldn't let you hit vo+space, but are you not aware of the command to do a
mouse click? Don't be confused. I know you already did a click activate
with vo+space. that's not what I'm talking about. There is a way to
actually literally! do a mouse click. Once you're on the item to physically
get clicked, route your mouse pointer just to be on the safe side, with
vo+command+F5. Remember that if you're on a macbook, or a aluminum
bluetooth mac keyboard with a function/FN key, you need to do
FN+vo+command+F5, provided your 12 F keys are serving as hardware keys,
which unless you've gone in and changed that behavior, by default, they will
be. So, ok, cool, we have the mouse now routed. now hit vo+F5 to confirm.
that's the same thing as a second ago, except without the command key. to
route, you did vo+command!+F5. to just see what is under the mouse and
nothing more, it's simply vo+F5. Again, remember the little caveat about
the fn key, if it be needed. OK, Now the mouse is on the item, to click it,
instead of doing vo+space, try doing vo+shift!+Space. You should hear a
small little tickity tick sound, and the button should be clicked. there ya
go. Frankly though, I don't know about that screen, seeing I never had to
deal with it, but I promise you genuinely! it should not! make you have to
do that once you're in and all set up. I use the app store quite regularly.
Trust me. It's extremely! VO friendly. Let me know if you have any
questions, and I'll do my best to help you out.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Shen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 07, 2011 3:07 AM
Subject: an oversight?
If you have the latest update in your Mac, you will find the "App Store"
under the Apple menu.
I decided to check it out for the first time today. It asks me for my Apple
ID. I gave it my user name and password. The App Store tells me it is not
associated with my iTunes account. OK, fine, let's do that.
Here is the first stumbling block.
You will first get the standard terms of agreement page. This page requires
you to check a checkbox that you have read it, then click the Continue
button. I think you know where I'm going with this. The checkbox was fine,
no problem. But the Continue button refused to activate with VoiceOver
Space. Enter, no way. Space, no dice either.
It needed a mouse click.
Next, I get the page to verify my payment information. At the end is the
same Continue button. Again, this button does not respond to VoiceOver
I get the feeling that anything I do in the App Store is going to be like
I certainly hope it gets checked out at Apple soon.
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