They have to be in MP4 format, I goggled this same question and got great
results, here's the name of the program I use
Convert AVI to MP4
I have been using it for over a week, to put movies on my wife's Ipad2, and
the best part is, it's free!  And very accessible.  Email me off list and I
will see if I can email you the file.

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Michael Thurman
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 2:09 PM
Subject: Re: Apple TV and streaming movies

a silly question but what do you use to get your movies into a form that can
be share don your network to the apple ios divices?
 handbrake is a joke from what I have seen and he last vd i tried to rip
with dvd shrink was garbage with no audio  mac the ripper gave the same
results but I odn't know what I'm doing with either mac the ripper or
handbrake  how ever you spell it lol so it could be my fault  it would be
nice to be able to listen to my discs without having to handle media thanks
michael you can write me off list if you prefer :)

On Apr 23, 2011, at 4:22 PM, Jenny Wood wrote:

> Hi there.  Thank you so very much for the response!  Actually, we had
already enabled homesharing and were able to see our music, but for some
reason the movies were not available.  Strangely enough though, after my
husband converted another movie to the appropriate format and added it to
our library, all of the other movies suddenly showed up.  We have no idea
what happened there, but I suppose I won't sweat it so long as it works. :-)
So now we have our family library setup on a desktop with all of our movies
and music, able to stream to the Apple TV, iPods or iPhones.  I have a
feeling this little device will more than pay for itself in short order.
<grin>  Thank you again!  
> --
> Jenny Wood
> Phone:        (972) 989-3894
> Email:
> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:       kc5gni
> On Apr 23, 2011, at 2:10 PM, Mike Huckabay wrote:
>> Hi Jenny One thing you could do to be able to stream tv and movies from
your iTunes on your mac to your apple tv is enabling home sharing that way
you could stream movies and tv across your network to your apple tv. If I
can help further send a privet message to I
hope this helps you though.
>> On 2011-04-23, at 8:38 AM, Jenny Wood wrote:
>>> Good day all!  Okay, so my husband and I just purchased a new Apple 
>>> TV, and so far, we love it!  Streaming Netflix is absolutely 
>>> awesome, and I love having so many choices of streaming internet 
>>> radio stations to listen to.  My question though, is concerning 
>>> movies.  Can one stream movies using airplay from an iTunes library 
>>> on another machine?  More specifically, can you stream movies that 
>>> are not necessarily purchased from the iTunes store?  We have a lot 
>>> of movies that are currently in a format compatible with the 
>>> iPod/iPhone, but when we attempt to view the list of movies using 
>>> the Apple TV, it says it is unable to connect to movies in our 
>>> library.  It can access the music with no problem.  Thank you in 
>>> advance for any assistance you have to offer. :-)
>>> --
>>> Jenny Wood
>>> Phone:      (972) 989-3894
>>> Email:
>>> Facebook/Twitter/Skype:     kc5gni
>>> --
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