Hi Mike,
That's just it.  The screen shouldn't appear only when you log on, it should be 
a fairly constant companion throughout.  Are you using the VO cursor to explore 
the Skype window?  If your version is the same as mine, you should see a Source 
List on the left, a splitter, and then something on the right which changes 
depending on the source selected on the left.  If that source is "Contacts", 
your offline and online contacts should show up on the right.  Note that the 
labels of online or offline only seem to appear when using the VO cursor keys 
to navigate.  You'll need to interact with the list, of course.
As I said, I'm not very familiar with video.  I know it is possible to turn it 
on and off during a call, as I've occasionally seen the options for doing so, 
but am not sure of precisely where they are.  I would investigate the splitter 
suggestions made by others.
On Mar 29, 2011, at 7:55 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:

> Hello Zack, and thanks for responding.
> Right now, the only way I know of to get to the offline contacts is to do 
> precisely what you suggested.  I knew about this option, but logging off and 
> then logging back on, just to get to all of one's contacts, seems arduous, to 
> say the least.  Then, there is also the issue of being able to reach someone 
> during another call whose status is set to appear offline, though, in 
> actuality, they are really online. 
> In terms of interacting with the toolbar and the Conversation Menu, I have 
> tried this but have not been successful.  While it is possible to do many 
> things from within the Conversation Menu, turning off and on the video camera 
> is not one of them, nor can this be accomplished from the Toolbar.
> If you go into the Skype preferences, you will most definitely find an option 
> for allowing your camera to automatically start when you place a call.  
> However, this still doesn't give you the ability to turn on and off the video 
> camera at will.  In my particular situation, this is a show stopper.
> Back to the initial login screen: I really like it because it allows you to 
> right arrow between possible actions for the individual whose Skype name is 
> currently showing in the contact list.  I am wondering if there is an 
> approach to making this screen appear whenever the need arises, instead of 
> just when one has logged on.. 
> Thank you very much for your kind response, and my best to you.
> Mike
> On 28,Mar,2011, at 9:29 PM, Zachary Kline wrote:
>> Hi Mike,
>> I can answer at least some of your questions.  There is a way to see your 
>> entire contact list in Skype 5.  Whenever I log in, the first thing which 
>> appears is my entire list, offline and all.  It is useful to think of the 
>> Skype 5 layout as similar to the iTunes layout, as you have a list of 
>> categories on the left and a dynamically changing list of options on the 
>> right, depending on what you select on the left.  I wouldn't mess with any 
>> view options until you've gotten used to the default layout, which does work 
>> quite well.
>> I don't use the web cam much, so I'm afraid I can't help with those 
>> particular questions.  All I can say is explore the window using the VO 
>> cursor, and don't overlook the menu bar and particularly the conversation 
>> menu.
>> Best,
>> Zack.
>> On Mar 28, 2011, at 11:43 AM, Michael Busboom wrote:
>>> I am currently in a rather serious situation where using Skype and its 
>>> video feature is a crucial need.  Unfortunately, I recently downloaded 
>>> Skype 5.1, and its user interface is very very different from earlier 
>>> versions such as 2.8 which, I believe, was the prior stable version.
>>> Here are my questions and needs:
>>> 1.  I can't find a way to navigate to contacts that aren't online.  I've 
>>> tried going through some of the view options, but the best I can do is 
>>> either get a list of current online contacts or a history of recent 
>>> contacts with whom I have had conversations.  It is important for me to 
>>> gain access to my entire Skype contact list.
>>> 2.  I cannot find a way to easily turn on my web camera while conversing 
>>> with someone on Skype.  In previous versions, I could use the Voice Over 
>>> Find command to get to the video button.  In the current version of Skype, 
>>> the option to turn on and off the video at random is visually there, but I 
>>> have thus far been able to get Voice Over to go to it.  I know that some 
>>> people have had luck, but for me, it has been hit and miss--mostly miss.  
>>> Unfortunately,use of the web camera is crucially important for me, and I am 
>>> at a loss as to how to configure Skype 5.1 so that I can quickly turn on 
>>> and off the web camera.  Using the Skype preference of having the web 
>>> camera automatically be turned on when I call someone is not always an 
>>> option, so I need to be able to turn this feature on and off at will.
>>> 3.  If it will be necessary for me to go back to an older version of Skype, 
>>> where can I find it?
>>> If I sound desperate, I am.  For professional reasons, I need these 
>>> capabilities.
>>> My best to all,
>>> Mike
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