The Mac has accessible email, internet, and calendar programs. As for checkbook 
software, I love Checkbook pro.
On Mar 27, 2011, at 10:48 PM, Johchi wrote:

> Hi Brian,
> First thanks for the kind welcome.
> Well, my life is pretty simple.  As a piano tuner, I need a straight forward 
> database program, - which there is no real solution for screen reader users 
> in windows to date.  A simple checking/accounting program.  In Windows there 
> is a good check book program called Money Talks.  I'm wondering if there is a 
> Mac version of this program.  Anyway, I don't use a spreadsheet much except 
> for the schedule I get from my supervisor where I work part time at the VA 
> Hospital here.  Email is of course a must have along with the internet.  
> Lastly, in what I would really use daily is a daily planner and or calendar.  
> These last two items are also not an viable solution in Windows except for 
> Outlook Express's calendar which I don't use because I don't use Outlook 
> Express at all.  If I think about anything else I will let you all know.
> Incidentally, because I am a musician, I do use a windows program called 
> Quick Windows Sequencer, (QWS).  Is anyone on the list familiar with this 
> program?  Is there a simalar program for the Mac?  Now I know that you can 
> also run a virtual windows on the Mac that will accommidate these Windows 
> based programs I do use, but at this time, I am only interested in what we as 
> blind folks can and cannot do on the Mac Apple platform.
> Thanks again,
> Johnny
> On 3/27/2011 11:04 PM, Bryan Jones wrote:
>> Hello Johnny,
>> Welcome to the List! Perhaps you could help us to help you by giving us a 
>> list of the specific tasks you need to be able to perform with a computer. 
>> While the Mac is good, it's not the best tool for everything and there are 
>> some things that just are not possible on the Mac. Microsoft Office, for 
>> example, is not accessible to VoiceOver on the Mac. There are alternative 
>> word processing and spreadsheet programs that are *mostly* accessible on the 
>> Mac, but if MS Office is a must have, you need to weigh your options 
>> carefully. In as few words as possible, tell us exactly what you are using 
>> now, what you absolutely need to use going forward, and I'm sure you will 
>> get plenty of responses.
>> Cheers,
>> Bryan
>> On Mar 27, 2011, at 9:51 PM, Johchi wrote:
>>> My question has to do with convincing the PA State agency that getting VO 
>>> and the
>>> MacBook for me is a better choice then the traditional Windows screen 
>>> reader setup.
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