Yes, publishers have the right to sell audio books. But the fact that many 
books with tts enabled are also available in audio format casts a serious doubt 
on this line of reasoning. And others not available in audio form sometimes 
have tts disabled. It looks totally arbitrary. And while I'm sure you might 
find the occasional sighted person who would do as you suggested with tts, the 
number of such people must be quite small, based on the reaction of the average 
sighted person to speech synthesis. You can always find exceptions, but they 
prove nothing.

BTW, for anybody who cares for a blatant example of inconsistency, for those 
who suppose that the reason Random House isn't dealing with  Apple has to do 
with voice over, please explain why their forthcoming release of the final book 
in the Earth's Children series, which you won't find on IBooks, is available in 
audio form and on Kindle with tts enabled. This is probably boing to be a big 
seller, because this is such a famous series. If worry over audio sales was the 
deal, why does the Kindle page for this book say tts enabled? There are other 
Random House high profile offerings that follow this same pattern. 

Mary Otten

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