Well, I'm in south africa, and, I don't know of any such programs over here.

And wherever will I find a mac, to firstly learn how to use and secondly, do 
the sudgested vidio in a windows dominated country? Out of everyone I 
personally kno, there's one, yes, one! mac user and he's 500 miles from my 


Brandt Steenkamp

MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com

Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Cheree 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Sunday, January 02, 2011 1:00 AM
  Subject: Re: convincing the sighted provider of my tech that mac's the way to 

  Cheree Heppe here:

  That depends on where you are located.  Some Canadian provinces have low 
interest loan and other programs to obtain equipment.

  Some U.
  s. states do this also, but there seemed to be an inordinate amount of red 
tape involved in using the service.

  The other way would be to circumvent the usual rehab funding altogether and 
work up your proposal, then make the rounds of service clubs, such as Lions and 
whatever you have there to raise the necessary assistance.

  I would also approach the Apple stores and repair shops to see if you could 
obtain a refurb or get some sort of discount, design a payment plan that 
results in the equipment after you have paid it all, etc.

  If worse comes to worse, write your member of parliament or congress or 
whoever might be able to leverage more immediate results.

  Some people have approached banks to see if there are low interest loans or 
churches to see if there are special assistance funds.

  Cheree Heppe

  P.S.:  You may want to be skilled enough with your proposed equipment to be 
able to demonstrate that you can use it effectively.  It may help if you can 
get someone to video you using the equipment in various mods: E-mailing, word 
processing, web serving, and use that video when you do your presentations for 

  Naturally, when doing the video and the presentations, you will want to look 
the part and be as nicely turned out as the situation calls for.

  Sent from my iPhone

  On Jan 1, 2011, at 10:53, "brandt" <brandt.steenk...@gmail.com> wrote:

    Hi there folks,

    Due to the weakness of our currency, I am reliant on outside assistance for 
most of my tech. Now, where would I find a compelling blog post or article 
giving reasons to go to Mac instead of the expensive/(illegal if you don't want 
to pay) combo of Pc + windows + expensive screen reader, 
Jaws/Window-eyes/hal/etc. The reason I'm asking is because I'm fed up of 
cracking *cough cough cough* screen reading technology.

    Folks, help here, don't sue or report.


    Brandt Steenkamp

    MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com

    Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

    AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com

    Skype: brandt.steenkamp007

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