Thanks Yuma for making these efforts.  It's really awesome to know that 
developers like you are thinking outside the box in order to provide such an 
experience for more than just the mainstream user.

Good luck!

On 2010-12-12, at 2:06 PM, Yuma Decaux wrote:

> Hi list,
> This is mostly speculative but being in the games industry for a while, and 
> having gone through countless reflections on how to make a 3D FPS work for 
> blind people, i think i can understand how the process has been, and there is 
> really good news on this.
> We at our studio use a platform called unity which allows for importing full 
> 3d scenes into the game engine and relying on bounding boxes, physics and 
> clever scripting, we can create a full fledged game with the help of the 
> platform. Another one which is way better in comparison, and having native 
> openGL as well as objective c fremworks is on the way, called UnrealEDIT.
> The similarities between these two platforms is that both make extensive use 
> of 3D audio, itself very easy to implement provided a concise method is 
> adopted. Bounding boxes in 3D space emit sounds and cue thanks to 
> interasction between boxes and spheres which triger specific events.
> So the process here of creating a 3D game in audio for blind people is 
> actually straight-forward, Hi-jacking what is already being implemented in 
> graphic context, adding custom code for accessibility and routing full power 
> to audio instead of graphics to increase audio quality.
> I am really excited to feel how the guys at papa sangre have implemented the 
> navigation scheme as this has been a long standing reflection for me and my 
> team. There are a bucketload of ways to make it happen, some more intuitive 
> than others but being less interactive, and others completely loyal to 
> classic FPS navigation but being a pain on a touchscreen.
> This is good as it will fuel our motivation to continue developement on the 
> game we have thought up, and search for funding for it.
> Best 
> -- 
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

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