
As a rather frequent note taker user, or rather...used-to-be frequent user, I 
find the Mac is more than efficient for my study needs. In fact, I find a 
notetaker can't even handle most of what I need in my college, and as such, the 
Mac is much easier to deal with. I use the PAC Mate QX440, which tends to hang 
or crash quite frequently as I work. I mainly just have it in my house now, but 
I haven't turned it on for months because of that very fact.

To be fair, though, I've never found any notetaker sufficient for any real 
usage when it comes to others than taking notes. When it comes to using 
applications such as Power Point, at least on the PM, JAWS eats up too much 
processing power to be of much use and as such, most of the applications that 
otherwise might work fine cause crashes or slow responsiveness.

I'd find the Macbook much better to work with. It's fast and powerful, and does 
what you want. VoiceOver is great, but there are still some things that need 
perfecting. Working with tables can sometimes be a bother, until you get used 
to the various bugs and discover workarounds for them.

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On Nov 19, 2010, at 12:01 AM, eddy wrote:

> hey eveyone, I am a mac os x user who really likes the way voice over
> works. I have organizations like. DBS division of blind servises and
> other giving their clients who request computers Dell laptops with
> Jaws screen reader installed. what I am aware of is that Jaws alone is
> more than a thousand dollars recently I her two thousand. I wonder why
> organizations like DBS don't just give their client a macbook or a
> machbook pro and be done with it. then they whon't have to pay for
> Jay. and the client can use voice  over which in  my opinion has a
> shorter learning curve. I also recently asked a Vision teacher or V.I
> teacher and she answered that at leat 70=90 percent  of note takers,
> and all other digital devices are not comopatible with mac os x.
> I would like to know what you guys think about this. and if there are
> any high school and college students who are blind or visually
> impaired, Is  a Mac with voice over sufficient enough for all school
> work or do you still need a note taker?
> thank you
> -- 
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