for MusicFile in *.mp3 ; do
open -w -a quicktime$MusicFile
OK, the above is a quick bash shell loop that goes through every mp3
file in the current directory one at a time and sends it to the open-w

The open command is quite impressive, it can open web pages or text
files or code samples.  You can force applications with either the -a
or -b
(application and bundle)
I believe the bundle id for quicktime would be so
in the above example, replacing "-a quicktime" with "-b" should perform the same function.

The -w option above tells open to prevent additional calls to open
until the quicktime applcation exits.

It might (I say might) be possible to send mp3 directly to /dev/audio,
I am fairly sure I have done this on some unix variant

n that case...

cat *.mp3 > /dev/audio

would do the trick.

Gee, isn't UNIX fun.


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