I found a female voice once that sounded like a hot Asian girl but I haven't 
been able to find it again since.  
I'm with you though, more voice plugins would be great.  Alex is good though 
for stock!

On Oct 16, 2010, at 9:10 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:

> Hi,  Alex is really new, and the other voices that come with mac are really 
> legacy.  I suspect breathing wasn't even a consideration when the older 
> voices were being developed.  I've got alex running so fast here, that I 
> never even notice him breathing.
> As far as Samantha, she is just about the snottiest manliest woman I have 
> ever heard.  If she came up to me and said, "can I help you sir?", I'd be 
> tempted to punch her in the nose.  She sounds like she smokes way too much.  
> Aside from just generally not liking her attitude, I find all the nuance 
> voices a bit choppy, and I find they don't distinguish properly between b's 
> p's and V's, or d's and T's, or S's and F's.  Tom's especially bad for that.  
> I don't know how most people stand him.  Karen at least has a nice sounding 
> voice tone, and I can live with the fact that she's australian.  
> The acapela voices are absolutely great.  They have amazing tone and 
> inflection, they are nearly as smooth as alex.  They just sound fantasttic.  
> It would be nice to date heather just once.  You know, I really should get 
> out more if this is how I'm thinking about my computer.
> Have fun,
> Erik Burggraaf
> User support consultant,
> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in person,
> 1-888-255-5194
> http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
> On 2010-10-16, at 11:30 AM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
>> Eric:
>> On the subject of  voiceover voicing, how come they only give breathing 
>> capability to Alex?  Also, I wonder why the other voices they have seem so 
>> weak by comparison?  Finally, in defense of Samaantha, I like her voice.  it 
>> seems to me to be the strongest option besides Alex; at least on the iPhone. 
>>  On the mac, if she's there under another name, she's not as strong.  As a 
>> hearing impaired person, I've found the voicing on the iPad the easiest of 
>> all of the Apple voices to understand.  But, that's just me.  
>> I'm interested in other people's thoughts on this.
>> Thanks
>> Carolyn Haas
>> chaas0...@gmail.com
>> On Oct 16, 2010, at 6:33 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
>>> I'd like to see better html5 support.  It's working more or less, but it 
>>> could be better.  Improved calendar and garage band accessibility.  and a 
>>> female voice just so as I could change it up once in a while.  If they 
>>> outsource voices from nuance I'm going to scream.  There's no reason to buy 
>>> aweful when we have acapela which is far better.  If they would licence 
>>> acapela I'd be right there, but please please please save me from samantha.
>>> Grade two braille input is a must.  I also want the magnification to go up 
>>> to 10 times without pixalating.  The magnification stuff has got to improve 
>>> to a point where it's on a par with the rest of voiceover.
>>> Best,
>>> Erik Burggraaf
>>> User support consultant,
>>> One on one access technology support and training over the phone or in 
>>> person,
>>> 1-888-255-5194
>>> http://www.erik-burggraaf.com
>>> On 2010-10-15, at 1:43 PM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I would really love to see other voices in other languages and that they 
>>>> ditched those trinoids, good news, bad news, boing and other nonsence 
>>>> voices that belonged in the days when they didn't really know what to do 
>>>> with synthetic speech, because they hadn't a screen reader then. Nowadays, 
>>>> there is Voiceover so then other voices in other languages are more 
>>>> appropriate, especially since the screen reader itself is actually 
>>>> localized into other languages than english.
>>>> Other than that, i would love to see a better translation to Swedish of 
>>>> Voiceover and the feature that the old Outspoken had, namely theability to 
>>>> know where the cursor was, by hearing a beep when you spell a word, so 
>>>> that if you had the word "browser" for example and you are in the middle 
>>>> of the word, just between the "w" and "s", you could hear "b r o w beep s 
>>>> e r" and if you then went one step to the right with the cursor, it'd go 
>>>> "b r o w s beep e r" and so on.
>>>> Permanent hot spots savable on a per application basis would also be nice.
>>>> And i totally agree with more accessibility of the ILife suite would be 
>>>> wonderful.
>>>> /Krister
>>>> 15 okt 2010 kl. 19.25 skrev Daniel Rowe:
>>>>> Hi all.
>>>>> As you might be aware, apple are holding a "Back To The Mac" event next 
>>>>> Wednesday at 10 eastern in Cupertino, California.  There are rumours of 
>>>>> possible upgrades to the MacBook Air and also the unveiling of MAC OS X 
>>>>> 10.7.
>>>>> So, what would you like to see included in next  version of the OS, 
>>>>> either generally or VoiceOver specific?
>>>>> Personally, I'd like to see  a female voice that is as good as Alex, and 
>>>>> to have voices in other languages even if it meant licensing them from 
>>>>> nuance as they have done in iOS.
>>>>> Accessibility improvements to garage band would be welcome, as well as 
>>>>> making iWeb accessible.
>>>>> The last major thing I can think of is to finally fix the issue of VO 
>>>>> randomly resetting itself.
>>>>> I'm sure they'll come up with a load of things I haven't even thought of. 
>>>>>  So what do you all think?
>>>>> Dannie
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