Hi Heather,
Mike Arrigo has posted a podcast on www.blindcooltech.com explaining how to put 
a daisy book on to your SD card, using a mac, playable on the victor reader 
stream. It is very easily done. Hopefully someone out here knows which of his 
13 mac podcasts this is in, but he demonstrates it well so it is possible. One 
thing less, necessary on the windows desktop side.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: heather kd5cbl 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 3:31 AM
  Subject: mac verses pc

  I have taken to using both computers right now.  I have a mac laptop and a 
windows desktop.  Grant it I use my windows desktop more but as I learn 
voiceover, I hope to move between both systems equally.  It is not about which 
is better for it is a matter of perspective of the individual.  I like jaws for 
what it does, making my windows pc blind friendly.  But, I cant access jaws in 
say a public library, the computer lab at school or my sighted cousin's house 
but I can access a mac in all those locations using voiceover. Provided there 
computer is not ten years old!  But I like my windows pc for the use of 
Kurzweil1000, Duxbury which I use with my braille printer and the victor stream 
to read books.  I hope that in the future, kurzweil1000 will have a mac 
equivalent like kurzweil 3000.  Now that I am familiar with the mac, I can walk 
in a library, school or any other public places in get on a mac to do what I 
need to do without sighted help.  I know someone might put forth system access 
to go for windows users?  Just one problem, if that computer is not connected 
to the internet, how can you access system access?  If you are at a log in 
screen, how would you know with out speech to tell you?  I am not defending one 
over the other, it is a matter of what one's needs are at the time.  I believe 
one should be familiar with both, not that they need to have both!  Heather 

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