1.  There are a couple of ways to jump around a table. In all cases
you should be interacting with the table.
1. Use jump cursor mode... VO-shift-J puts you in jump mode, there are
8 combinations you can then use...
1. VO-arrow move to the visible edge in the direction of  the arrow.
2. VO-shift-arrow move to the edge of the table in the arrows direction.
2. Use the three finger swipe..
3. Item chooser VOI-I or numpad 1. Will display most elements
available in a list, that shrinks as you type (try Oct) for getting to
4. PageUp / PageDown keeys (if on reduced size keyboard, use FN + Up/Down )
5. Use the search functionality, there is always spotlight, and most
Apple programs have a command-f or command-option-f for search.
6. Use "Smart mailboxes" / folders that automatically search for you.
There is an example of all files created in the last week...

On 13/10/2010, Robert Hooper <hooper...@buckeyemail.osu.edu> wrote:
> As a way of demonstrating my utter inexperience with the Mac operating
> system (or my lack of motivation to find certain information with Google), I
> have a few questions. My first question regards Mail. Is there a way to jump
> quickly to the top or bottom of a table-specifically, the messages table?
> Barring that, is there a way to move quickly by larger increments? In
> Outlook, page up and page down move by 25 messages, I believe. Likewise,
> home and end jump straight to the top or bottom of the message list
> respectively. The reason I ask is because I routinely have a large quantity
> of messages in my Inbox, and I don't want to start by spending five minutes
> arrowing to the top of the table.
> My next question is regarding using the Web. Captchas-need I say more? On
> the Windows side, one would remedy this problem by downloading and using
> Firefox with the Web Visum plug-in, which performed OCR on the captcha image
> and placed it on the clipboard for convenient pasting into the appropriate
> edit box. Also, if you didn't wish to use Firefox, there was usually an
> audio alternative. I am trying to create an iChat account on the Mac.
> Naturally, this requires the use of the AOL web site. Before I can proceed
> to create my account, the web site requires that a captcha be entered.
> Although they provide an audio alternative, Safari is completely unable to
> use it and the link (upon checking) is java scripted. I know that Firefox is
> not at all accessible on the Mac side (at least from the information I
> received on this list), so are there any alternatives for captchas? Also
> web-related, how do I go about obtaining Webkit-as some seem to think this a
> better web browsing solution in general? Your contributions, time, and
> patience are appreciated.
> Thanks:)
> Robert Hooper
> hooper...@buckeyemail.osu.edu<mailto:hooper...@buckeyemail.osu.edu>
> --
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