As a way of demonstrating my utter inexperience with the Mac operating system 
(or my lack of motivation to find certain information with Google), I have a 
few questions. My first question regards Mail. Is there a way to jump quickly 
to the top or bottom of a table-specifically, the messages table? Barring that, 
is there a way to move quickly by larger increments? In Outlook, page up and 
page down move by 25 messages, I believe. Likewise, home and end jump straight 
to the top or bottom of the message list respectively. The reason I ask is 
because I routinely have a large quantity of messages in my Inbox, and I don't 
want to start by spending five minutes arrowing to the top of the table.
My next question is regarding using the Web. Captchas-need I say more? On the 
Windows side, one would remedy this problem by downloading and using Firefox 
with the Web Visum plug-in, which performed OCR on the captcha image and placed 
it on the clipboard for convenient pasting into the appropriate edit box. Also, 
if you didn't wish to use Firefox, there was usually an audio alternative. I am 
trying to create an iChat account on the Mac. Naturally, this requires the use 
of the AOL web site. Before I can proceed to create my account, the web site 
requires that a captcha be entered. Although they provide an audio alternative, 
Safari is completely unable to use it and the link (upon checking) is java 
scripted. I know that Firefox is not at all accessible on the Mac side (at 
least from the information I received on this list), so are there any 
alternatives for captchas? Also web-related, how do I go about obtaining 
Webkit-as some seem to think this a better web browsing solution in general? 
Your contributions, time, and patience are appreciated.
Robert Hooper<>

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