As you may remember, I've been having serious issues with my MBP 15 over the 
past few weeks.  After it came home with a new hard drive and after I did a 
fresh install of 10.6.3 from my new system disk, it was still crashing 
intermittently.  I contacted Apple, and they charged me $330 or so to pick it 
up and fix it and send it back. 

However, over the last 24 hours, the computer has been performing 
flawlessly--better, in fact, than it ever has before.  (Better, faster, 
stronger...)  So, today, I called Apple back and asked them if I could reverse 
that $330 charge and possibly send it in later on if it acted up again.

I expected a problem or to be flatly told, "No refunds."  However, I was 
treated courteously and patiently.  When I couldn't hear something or need to 
take a bit more time to find information, I was treated patiently and with 

I have had no choice but to write and unconditionally praise 
them on their conduct.  I have NEVER seen a big company like Apple treat its 
customers with so much integrity.

I'm writing this note to all those who may be considering, but hanging on the 
wall, about dealing with Apple or switching to a Mac.  I am very impressed, and 
confident that it's worth the switch.  I'd love to work for Apple, but I'm far 
too obnoxious and not nice enough to meet their standards. :)

 • Mark BurningHawk Baxter
 • AIM, Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
 • MSN:
 • My home page:

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