Hi Kawal,

I'm recycling my August 18 post to the VIPhone list.  HTH for future reference.

While reading list posts on your iPhone you can reply privately by taking 
the following actions:

1. Double tap the button labeled (in this case) "Geoff Waaler address" in 
the upper left hand  part of the screen.  Assuming you're using single 
flicks left/right its between the word "from" and the button labeled either 
"hide" or "details".

2. The author's email address is shown; you can double tap to fill that into 
a blank note, or if you want to quote the original text and subject while 
not having to remember and manually write the address:
   A. Double tap "create new contact".
   B. Flick to and double tap the email address.
   C. Use the rotor gesture to select Edit.
   D. Flick to and double tap "select all.
   E. Right flick once to "copy" and double tap.
   F. If you don't want to retain me as a permanent contact (sniff) double 
tap Cancel.
   G. Use the scrub gesture or double tap back to return to the post.
3. Double tap reply, and Select "reply" again.
4. Double tap "to viph...@googlegroups.com".
5. Flick left to the viphone address and press double tap followed by delete 
to clear it.
6. Either manually fill in the author's email or paste what you copied in 
step #2E above.

Alternatively you might want to forward the note, select all text and then 
paste it into a blank note to the author.  This would be cleaner because you 
wouldn't need to enter the edit contact dialog so as to copy the address, 
but the note will be messier unless you fill in the subject and clean up the 
"fw" text.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Kawal Gucukoglu 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 4:05 AM
  Subject: For Mike.

  Dear Mike.

  I'm glad you have written to the list although I can't help you with the 
router issue. My main reason for writing is to say great podcasts and I'd like 
to know how I can download them to my Mac book Pro so I can listen to them 
without going on the web as they are very long.

  I'm sohry list but I had to ask Mike as I didn't have his E-mail address.


  Sent from my iPhone

  On 8 Sep 2010, at 02:53 AM, Mike Arrigo <n0...@charter.net> wrote:

  > Hi all, well, I might be looking at getting a new router, mine has started 
having some strange problems, so it may be going bad, was wondering which 
routers are the most accessible with their web interfaces. I know the linksys 
routers work well, what about net geer, belkin or d-link? I've heard some 
routers use a capcha now to get in to their configurations, that is nuts.
  > -- 
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