Hi Paul!
I think on one of the other posts about this said, when you've got to that 
select all part you can do command+i and in there you can put them all under 
the same group I think!
Then they will stay together!
hth Colin
On 8 Sep 2010, at 13:35, Paul Erkens wrote:

> Hi Esther,
> I think I'm almost there. Thanks for your clear explanation. A few questions 
> though.
> My audio books come in numbered mp3 files and I'd like to have them with me 
> on the iphone. Does itunes take into account the filename when it imports 
> files into itunes? Of course, for an audiobook, the order in which the files 
> are played is important.
> Do I need to add all, say, 402 mp3 files to one single playlist that has the 
> name of the book? I'm not sure on how to do this. I was used to organising 
> everything in folder trees and neatly named files. Itunes is different, 
> because I never cared about the mp3 tags, but now I will have to learn what 
> to do instead. Given 402 consecutive files that I want to have in one 
> audiobook on the iphone, allowing me to resume, how do I go about then? I'll 
> tell you what I think I should do. Please correct me if you see a mistake. At 
> a certain point I get stuck. You'll see.
> 1. Given my directory full of files, nicely numbered, I first use a utility 
> to make the track number field of the mp3 tags inside all files reflect its 
> filename, so that 001.mp3 gets 001 in its mp3 track tag field. Is this 
> necessary?
> 2. I would then open itunes and press command plus o to add stuff to my 
> library.
> 3. Then I would be in the dialog where you have the choose button, and from 
> the list of files, I would navigate until I am in the folder where all 402 
> mp3 files making up my book are stored. One folder up is command up, and 
> descend down into a folder is command plus down. Correct, or is there an 
> easier way? Of course I could turn quicknav off and arrow up down left right.
> 4. I then select all files using command plus a and I press the choose button.
> 5. Next, I try to find all the new files in my music library. Do I create a 
> playlist here? Then what do I do? From here I'm stuck. Very interested to 
> know about this.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Esther" <mori...@mac.com>
> To: <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 2:11 PM
> Subject: Re: itunes and file tagging
>> Hi Paul,
>> The genre field of track in iTunes can be set to anything, and does  not 
>> determine whether a file appears in music, photos, ring tones,  etc.  A file 
>> will show up as a ring tone if and only if it is  basically one of Apple's 
>> AAC files (usually with .m4a extension, if  this started as a music file), 
>> is under 40 seconds in length, and has  a .m4r file extension.  If you clip 
>> an AAC music file to under 40  seconds in length, rename the file extension 
>> from .m4a to .m4r, and  import it into iTunes, it will automatically show up 
>> under ring tones.  For audiobooks, mp3 or AAC files in your music library 
>> can be placed  in this playlist if you select these tracks, do a "Get Info" 
>> with  Command-I, then navigate to the "Options" tab and press the pop up  
>> menu button for "Media Kind" with VO-Space, then arrow down to change  it 
>> from "Music" to "Audiobook".  To put tracks in to the podcasts  playlist, 
>> change the "Media Kind" to "Podcast".  You might also want  to check the 
>> boxes for "Remember playback position" and "Skip when  shuffling" if you 
>> want these tracks to bookmark and be kept out any  shuffled playlists you 
>> create.  (If your podcast is a music podcast,  you might not want to check 
>> these boxes.)  The first checkbox lets you  resume your listening at the 
>> point you left off. If it is not checked,  your tracks will always start 
>> playing from the beginning (even if they  are placed in the audiobook or 
>> podcast playlist because you changed  the "Media Kind").  The second 
>> checkbox keeps the tracks from appearing in shuffled playlists which would 
>> otherwise sample your  whole library.  It can be disconcerting to listen to 
>> shuffled music  selections, and suddenly have a track from an audiobook show 
>> up <smile>.
>> You can select multiple tracks at once to change "Media Kind" on the Options 
>> tab with Command-I.  You'll simply be asked by iTunes whether  you are sure 
>> you want to edit multiple tracks.  Once you change the  media kind of a 
>> track that is initially in your music library, upon  exiting "Get Info", the 
>> track will disappear from the music playlist  and reappear under Books or 
>> Podcasts.
>> HTH.  Cheers,
>> Esther
>> On Sep 8, 2010, at 00:38, Paul Erkens wrote:
>>> Hi list,
>>> When importing files into itunes, I suspect that the genre field in  the 
>>> mp3 tag determines in which playlist (music, photos, ring tones  etc), the 
>>> imported file is going to appear.
>>> For example, a tag that itunes does not know about, will place its  file in 
>>> music. If you set the genre tag of a file to podcast, it  might appear in 
>>> podcasts instead of in music.
>>> Does any of you know about a list of tags to which itunes
>>> normally responds?
>> -- 
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