Well, it strikes me as being at the rumor and discussion level as of yet, but I 
wouldn't be surprised to see FS move in that direction. Personally, I won't be 
getting any more JAWS upgrades, and I'm perfectly happy with the Mac and Alex. 

On Jun 5, 2010, at 9:42 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:

> Off topic, but I feel everyone will be interested especially those people who 
> run Fusion on their Macs.
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: "Ibrahim Gucukoglu" <ibrahim_gucuko...@sent.com>
>> Date: June 5, 2010 9:36:33 AM GMT+01:00
>> To: "Kawal Gucukoglu" <kawal_gucuko...@sent.com>
>> Subject: Fw: [bcab] End of Freedom?
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Colin r. Howard" <co...@pobox.com>
>> To: <b...@freelists.org>; <access...@freelists.org>; 
>> <av...@googlegroups.com>; <ntexpr...@googlegroups.com>; 
>> <jaws...@freelists.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, June 05, 2010 1:30 AM
>> Subject: [bcab] End of Freedom?
>>> Greetings,
>>> I am posting the main text from a thread just seen on the Blind Audio List
>>> which I am surprised not to have seen on the BCAB or AccessUK groups.
>>> Ought we to give much credence to this?
>>> I, for one, would welcome any comments from Sight and Sound.
>>> From: "Otto Zamora" <donttreado...@bellsouth.net>
>>> Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 05:44:14 -0400
>>> Morning,
>>> In an advocate meeting yesterday, the subject came up reference Freedom
>>> Scientific, the company that among other things sports JFw.
>>> Because the company is in the state of Florida, it came up on  a flag by an
>>> analyst.
>>> Seems this company is having bad money troubles, not surprising given the
>>> economy, but talk is that they are now looking to sell off some of their
>>> division, mainly their JFW area.
>>> I am not sure who if anyone will buy this division, considering that there
>>> is an entity now selling a fully integrated package for only $700.
>>> Besides a comprehensive screen reader, if the user chooses to get the
>>> package, there is a browser, along with a customed and fully accessible web
>>> sites, word processing, and E mail.
>>> all of this can apparently be accessed either on line, or as individual
>>> program.
>>> ad to that, the entertainment mogill, and you have a powerful tool indeed
>>> for the kind of money they are asking for.
>>> Another side of the equation is the apple company, now selling computers
>>> already with speech on board right out of the box and off the shelf.
>>> Put these two aspects together, and you have a deadly combo that might very
>>> well result in a abrupt end to the JFW program.
>>> Considering the way that technology is growing, older versions of JFW, will
>>> only work for a short while until the programs controlling the OS, begins to
>>> outgrow the application.
>>> In seeing this package, one of the things which was pointed out to me, was
>>> the learning curve, which for the new package being sold by Mr.. Mike Calvo,
>>> is very short.
>>> The user has the option to learn as little or as much as they want without
>>> real loss. From: "Alison Trelfa" <codamu...@uwclub.net>
>>> Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 15:36:47 +0100
>>> Hello, Otto,
>>> I wonder whether many jaws users would move to another speech program as yet
>>> as many of the packages that are not standard probably wouldn't be supported
>>> by the out of the box speech. I run Sonar and Sibelius 5.25, both of which
>>> are using scripts that have been written by folk who specialise not only in
>>> Jaws, but only in the two programs. I suppose those people who only need
>>> computers for basic commands may well get away with speech such as you
>>> describe, but I don't think that Jaws would just be dismissed out of hand
>>> because Freedom is going. I think Jaws has changed hands once before if I'm
>>> not mistaken? Correct me if I'm wrong there.
>>> I would be very sorry to see Jaws go under, but I'm not worried yet. There
>>> is a huge following for Jaws and I believe that someone would take it over.
>>> From: "Otto Zamora" <donttreado...@bellsouth.net>
>>> Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 10:49:36 -0400
>>> hi,
>>> You are correct, I am just stating that from what we were told, they are
>>> having a hard time finding someone who will take on the project,especially
>>> since as you point out, most people are  not using anything that is high
>>> end, and from what we also have heard, people are tired of having to pay
>>> $1500 and change, when there now is a program which will do speech and more
>>> for only $700.
>>> Given the economy, for many people, the sedition may be financial.
>>> From: Geoff Long <ge...@tisab.demon.co.uk>
>>> Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 16:20:04 +0100
>>> Hi Alison, I wonder how many JAWS users have to
>>> pay for their own equipment.  I use window-eyes,
>>> which is considerably less expensive, and as I
>>> had to pay for my training and kit from my own
>>> pocket, it makes a big difference.
>>> From: "Dr Norman Waddington" <normanwaddington...@btinternet.com>
>>> Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 16:36:22 +0100
>>> Hi Geoff,
>>> I need no introduction to you on this list.
>>> I am a Jaws user and have paid all the way through out of my own pocket from
>>> version 3.5 methinks if I remember correctly.
>>> From: Anders Holmberg <and...@pipkrokodil.se>
>>> Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 17:37:37 +0200
>>> Hello!
>>> Also we have nvda as a very good and free alternative.
>>> And Hal or supernova which costs less money than jaws.
>>> From: "Mike Stewart" <stewar...@verizon.net>
>>> Date: Fri, 04 Jun 2010 10:58:45 -0600
>>> The entry price is steep, but upgrades only run about $100-$140 or so...
>>> From: "Alison Trelfa" <codamu...@uwclub.net>
>>> Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 21:31:33 +0100
>>> Hi, Geoff,
>>> It is expensive to get jaws I agree with that. The problem I have is that
>>> there are no other programs that support the music side as far as I know. If
>>> all programs worked as well as microsoft office or outlook express then I
>>> think Jaws would really be struggling. Most of the other programs that I
>>> know of don't support many programs apart from the basics.
>>> From Colin Howard, for whom a small place near  Southampton in
>>> Southern England, has the honour of providing a home.
>>> To find out more about BCAB and the benefits that membership can bring, 
>>> please visit our website:
>>> http://www.bcab.org.uk/
>>> To manage your subscription to the BCAB mailing list, please visit our 
>>> website:
>>> http://www.bcab.org.uk/mailing-list.html
>>> To discuss matters relating to the mailing list, please email 
>>> bcab-moderat...@freelists.org
> ____
> Kawal Gucukoglu
> (E-mail/MSN):
> kawal_gucuko...@sent.com
> (Skype ID):
> kawalgucukoglu
> (Mobile/Text):
> +447905618396
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