Yep, this old Macbook is frustrating me too, I want to boot camp it to run
some software I need in Windows and would like portable. All I get is that
stupid screen with the flashing cursor right when I put the CD in. There's
no apple store near here, and I don't know how to take out some ram as some
suggest as a solution. I reset the Pram, set my resolution to 800 by 600,
nothing seems to make this thing boot either of two XP disks I have. It's a
Macbook 4,1 according to the hardware info, 2.1 core 2 duo with 4 gb of ram,
trying to install an OEM disk of XP Pro I bought, the cursor comes up right
away and stays there. I'm thinking of putting the thing back on Ebay if I
can't find a solution as I want one machine that will do both Snow Leopard
and Windows, software for a net show I do requires Windows.
How do I fix this short of doing that?
----- Original Message -----
From: "David McLean" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 26, 2010 7:47 PM
Subject: Re: -- SPAM -- parelells a complete waist of my time
It is completely inaccessible.
According to someone on the macaccess list it can be used once Windows has
been installed with it but only to start Windows.
On Apr 26, 2010, at 7:58 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
Hello. I decided to try parelells and found it to be inaccessibal with
mac voice over. if it is can someone shead some lite on this? this is
driving me nuts!
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