Hey Mark,

Just wanted to say I’m sorry about you being so sick and about you having such 
an awful Christmas.  I hope you feel better soon.

> On Jan 5, 2025, at 10:21 AM, MacVisionaries <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello All and Happy New Year!
> I am posting this to both lists because I can’t remember where I saw a couple 
> of posts to which I will be responding.
> On Christmas morning, I was hit with a terrible case of the flu.  As all of 
> the urgent care facilities in my area were closed, I spent Christmas morning 
> in an E R.  That was a first, believe me.
> After 9 days or so, I am finally beginning to feel better although I am far 
> from being back to normal.
> A couple of days ago, without warning, Google informed us that the V iPhone 
> group contained posts that violated its terms of service.  They did not tell 
> us which posts these were but they did automatically remove them and then 
> placed us on what is essentially a suspension.  From what I can tell, they 
> removed about 14 posts or so.
> I have sent a review request to Google so the list should be back up and 
> running in a couple of weeks, or so.
> Yes, I know this is ridiculous and yes I know we should probably move the 
> list to another service.  The last time this happened, by the time Cara and I 
> decided to move the group, the original list was restored and well, you know 
> the rest.
> With regard to Amazon.com and VoiceOver:  I am finding the web version of the 
> site to be extremely difficult to navigate on iPad OS 18.  As of last night, 
> I could only purchase a Kindel title via my iPone running iOS 18.  I just 
> don’t get why VoiceOver doesn’t work as well as it once did with Amazon.com 
> in Safari, on iPad.
> When I use my Windows PC, the web portal works just fine with Jaws so I am 
> truly baffled.
> As for the Amazon App?  I am not experiencing any problems but then I haven’t 
> purchased anything via the app since updating to 18.1.
> I have not yet updated any of my devices to 18.2 because of Watch 11.2 volume 
> problem.  Keeping this in mind, I have noticed that when I reboot my iPad Pro 
> M4, the messages app displays contact telephone numbers but not the 
> associated names.  This only occurs on my iPad.  Yes, I know about deleting 
> and then restoring the contacts but this only works until the next reboot.  
> Is / was this a known issue in iPad OS 18.1?
> Finally, does anyone know when this year’s CSUN convention will be taking 
> place in Anaheim, California?
> I will do my best to begin posting some interesting articles as soon as I 
> feel a little better.
> As always, all replies appreciated.
> Mark
> -- 
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> Your Mac Visionaries list moderator is Mark Taylor. You can reach mark at: 
> mk...@ucla.edu and your owner is Cara Quinn - you can reach Cara at 
> caraqu...@caraquinn.com
> The archives for this list can be searched at:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/macvisionaries@googlegroups.com/
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