The below link is to an article from Apple Insider on how to reset a Mac to 
factory default.
It is from 2020, but should be relevant for your older Mac running Catalina.

- Brad -

On Jan 5, 2025, at 16:45, Phil Halton <> wrote:

I have a MacBook Air from I think it’s 2011 or maybe 2013 that’s running 
Catalina. I’m reformatting the disc and reinstalling the OS to prepare for 
giving it away. Problem is there is Macintosh HD and then there’s Macintosh HD 
data volumes I only erase the Mac HD and I see that there’s still like 100 gig 
unavailable and I’m assuming that’s part of the Mac HD data volume. So, do I 
first delete, or erase the Mac HD data volume and then Erase and reformat the 
Mac HD volume itself? What I’m trying to do is make the full 250 GB available 
to the new user. This has a 250 GB SSD.
Sent from my IPhone

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