Sharing this too given the discussion of basic html coding in the other
Linux exists in so many varieties, but it, like apple, has a UNIX basis.
Just because one person has no issues does not mean other Linux users are
not experiencing them.
even for those not using adaptive technology in Linux, those pop up ads
that cannot be bypassed are a problem, suggesting a coding issue.
One thing I have personally noticed button wise is on the amazon prime
force feeding.
The alt tag on the button for proceed without the amazon a
There is no way to bypass this from the enter key, but the join Amazon
prime perfectly.
Drawing Amazon's attention to the diversity in the access population, its
not just screen readers, but voice browsers and augemented keyboards is
Reminding them that a basic html progressive enhancement floor helps
far more people feels wise too.
After all, one individual having success does not translate to all
individuals sharing that label having success.
On Sat, 21 Dec 2024, Jessica Moss wrote:
One thing I???ve noticed on my end, a lot like with the Walmart app, is these
sponsored ads that both have incorporated that just randomly pop up when
scrolling and snatch focus away from what I???m trying to navigate, and in both
cases, there seems to be no way to hide them. I found both apps to be vary
usable until these started cropping up, and then started noticing 1 of 2 things
happening, my screen???s focus jumping all over the place, or my screen
completely freezing.
On Dec 21, 2024, at 3:23???AM, Eric Oyen <> wrote:
You aren???t the only one to notice this. The name/account and lists thing is
apparently a web dialog that steals focus and cannot be dismissed or bypassed.
This appears to happen in safari a lot (especially older versions). They have
also changed the amazon app so that it is more confusing (and thus, less
I may have to locate my source for direct email and phone contacts for the
amazon board of directors and post those items here. We, as a user base may
have to flood both phone and email of the board members just to get their
attention. It might also benefit us to get hold of every organization that
deals with us as a population and insist strenuously that they pressure amazon
into doing the right thing.
One of the items I noticed that you pointed out is that windows platform based
browsers and JAWS seem to work almost seamlessly with amazon. That means they
have pretty much decided to go with Microsoft centric javascript code, making
it harder for any of us to use apple OS based devices and browsers. So, we
might also have to get apple involved as this will definitely start affecting
regular users of apple platforms as well.
On Dec 12, 2024, at 10:46 PM, Brandon Olivares <
<>> wrote:
Has anyone else been having issues with Amazon with voiceOver? I know they???ve
been changing things quite a bit, but I just tried to place an order and it was
super frustrating. I can navigate normally with VO-arrow keys but the moment I
try to jump to a heading or do anything else, it totally stops interacting with
the page. It just focuses on this element saying ???Hello, Brandon,??? then has
a link for ???Account and Lists???.
I literally couldn???t complete the order. I had to get out my Windows computer
and JAWS was able to do it just fine.
Just wanted to see if anyone else is having this issue.
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