Hi Kliph,
This is very sad news indeed. I took some of his classes last fall, and I 
enjoyed them and learned a lot from them. I will keep him and his family in my 

----- Original Message -----
From: Kliph Miller Sr <kl...@sturitup.com>
Date: Thursday, December 05, 2024 04:00 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: John Panarese, please pray!

This is one of the hardest emails i have ever had to write. Some of you may 
know, and for those who don't, John has severe cancer. He received treatment 
that was to believed to be helping/ Turns out it has gotten worse, his family 
has placed him in hospice, and hoping he at least makes it to Christmas. John 
has been my mentor, and great friend for over 10 years. My heart hurts to have 
to write this, if you are a believer, please pray for a maricle. Otherwise just 
hope for the best. If you have training or any other services with John, i 
don't know how that will look going forward, but you can contact me privately, 
and I will try and get an update on that.  Again, this would be a great loss to 
the blind community, apple world, and a great friend that i love like a 
brother.  Thanks.
>> Kliph
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