I also want to recommend the open round pro by shocks. It is a good pair of headphones and it will work in the entire environments you were talking about where you can be outside and hear what’s going on around you and still hear what you’re getting from the phone.

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 21, 2024, at 12:36 PM, MacVisionaries <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Hello Pete,

I strongly recommend the OpenRun Pro, bone conducting headset, by Shock / Aftershock.


On Monday, October 21, 2024 at 9:29:10 AM UTC-7 pdevas...@gmail.com wrote:

Hi all,


I’m looking into getting a good pair of bone conduction headphones for my new 16 Pro. I had gotten a pair of Bluez 2 headphones a couple of years ago, but I’m not happy with the audio, and I’m sure there’s better around now. I’m also having difficulty adjusting them to fit comfortably. I’m realizing that bone conduction headphones would be great whenever I’m out and about, especially with all the testing I’m doing at the airport with Goodmaps, so I was looking for suggestions on which ones might be good for me to check out. I don’t necessarily have to have super music audio quality, I just would want something that will clearly let me hear output from VO and other apps that provide speech output. I’ve done some initial research, and was also wondering if they all have a piece that goes around behind your neck, or do some go over your head. Hoping these aren’t too dumb a set of questions…


Thanks for any help with this,

Pete De Vasto

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