Ever since Single Letter QuickNav was created, VoiceOver would turn off 
QuickNav when interacting with  input elements and/or  Text Fields. It sounds 
like now that Single LetterQuickNav has been separated from arrow QuickNav that 
they decided to merge this toggle with the numpad commander. Personally I would 
want this to be a configurable option. I can’t play wit this as I am currently 
stuck on Mojave . I will probably purchase a new Macintosh in May or June  and 
have started to determine what system to purchase.
I will miss my 11 inch MacBook Air that I dubbed “Speedy” as it so outperformed 
my eMac.   .
                Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn

> On Apr 28, 2024, at 1:56 PM, Herbie Allen <herbie.al...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My wife also has this issue in Sinoma 
> Sonoma so not just you. I haven’t noticed this as much as I’m not a big 
> Numpad Commander user and often use it as an actual num pad. Maybe they 
> figure that’s how people would want to use it? 
>> On Apr 28, 2024, at 08:52, Paul Hopewell <hopew...@hopewell.org.uk> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am running the latest Ventura on my 1917 iMac. I use numpad commander on 
>> my Apple Magic keyboard with Numpad keys. I use the Numpad keys to navigate 
>> around my screen.
>> This all works OK except sometimes when I am entering data into an Edit 
>> field the numeric values on the Numpad get entered into the Edit area. This 
>> happens when I am editing data in 1 Password entries and often when I enter 
>> a password in Safari while logging onto a web site.
>> Do others encounter this problem? Any ideas on why this happens and what I 
>> need to do to fix it?
>> My use of the Numpad commander is habitual and I often forget to stop using 
>> it in the above cases.
>> Many thanks for any ideas.
>> Best …Paul Hopewell
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