Hi folks,
One thing I am personally finding I seriously need is basic keyboard typing practice. On my main computers, because I have been using them for so many years, I am a swift typist who is very very very used to keeping my hands on the main keyboard and knowing where I am from a screen reader standpoint as well. I am personally feeling that some time with either textedit, or pages, will let me just practice typing with no fear that I will set something off with the mac itself. I want to be so solid with my typing that entering my password without input will be effortless, I doubt I can turn off having to provide his for my apple ID for example. so, at this stage, what is the fastest way to load textedit? say using the menu bar, if that is an option? I will want to know as well how to keep certain programs I use often either in the finder, or in the menu, bar, which ever is most practical. I am used to just typing whatever starts the program, I never used windows at all.

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