Upgrading from my iPhone XR, I’m narrowing things down between the iPhone 13 
and the 13 mini. I don’t need any of the features of the 13 Pro as it seems 
mostly camera enriched. And, I took a look at the iPhone SE third generation 
and it’s just too far of a step backward even though the price is right. So, 
between the 13 and a 13 minute I’m wondering what my real impacts would be. I’m 
used to the form factor of the 10 hour, similar to the 13, but I’m wondering 
about the 13 mini. What am I giving up exactly by moving to the mini other than 
form factor. I know that speaker fidelity will take a hit and the battery life 
is a little less, but other than that they seem to be about the same  product. 
Any thoughts? I’m about to pull the trigger and this is what it’s come down to 
for final decisions. 
Sent from my IPhone

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