Interesting reading.
And btw, the limitations for streaming lossless with Airplay and Apple Music, 
lie with Apple Music in this case. Airplay is able to stream lossless audio, to 
a certain degree of course, but Apple Music doesn’t support it (yet).
Very weird. Hopefully the Apple Music app will arrive on more devices indeed.


> Op 16 jun. 2021, om 19:41 heeft 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries 
> <> het volgende geschreven:
> Hi Ronald,
> You’re most welcome.  Yes, modifying the decoder within the AirPlay or 
> AirPlay 2  protocol would be a great solution.  It would be interesting if 
> Apple made the Apple Music app available to be installed on sound systems in 
> the way that they made Apple TV installable on some smart TV’s.  This would 
> make things extremely easy in my opinion.  I know that Spotify is available 
> on my AV receiver, so if Apple Music was available as well, then the whole 
> Apple TV connection may not be needed.
> Regarding the Chrome Cast vs AirPlay question, there’s advantages and 
> disadvantages to both devices.  Of course, it likely depends on your use 
> case, your adoption of one eco-system vs the other, and other factors.  
> Here’s an article where one person gives there opinion on the benefits and 
> drawbacks of each.
> <>
> Remember, this is only the opinion of this fellow and we all have our own 
> biases.
> Later…
> Tim Kilburn
> Jamf Certified Tech
> Apple Professional Learning Specialist
> Apple Teacher
> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>> On Jun 16, 2021, at 10:46 AM, Ronald van Rhijn < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Many thanks for all your information, really appreciate it!
>> So I have to run the Apple Music app on Apple TV 4k and send the audio 
>> through a hdmi cable to the audio device. That figures, it is a bit 
>> cumbersome to have to do it this way though. 
>> There’s hope that Apple will fix this lossless to lossy stream, because 
>> Airplay is able to stream lossless after all.
>> The audio device isn’t a normal receiver, its a complete music-system. So I 
>> definately have to check for hdmi ports on that.
>> On another note, i cannot get why Apple only offers Airplay. I prefer the 
>> way Chromecast does it, it gets its own signal from the internet.
>> Anyways, thanks again.
>> Ronald
>>  Op 16 jun. 2021, om 17:48 heeft 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries 
>> < <>> 
>> het volgende geschreven:
>>> Hi,
>>> The Apple TV has to be the device sending the music to the receiver.  If 
>>> you AirPlay from your iPhone to the Apple TV, then it is the iPhone that is 
>>> in control, and thus you are essentially using AirPlay to deal with the 
>>> music, and AirPlay which then limits the bandwidth.   The Apple TV 4K is 
>>> perfectly accessible and supports Siri, thus you can ask music to be played 
>>> via the Siri remote for the Apple TV.  As long as the receiver has HDMI 
>>> input, you’re good to go.  There’s no need to connect a TV for the video 
>>> when playing music.  There are ways of using your iPhone as a remote for 
>>> the Apple TV, but it’s not really that necessary with the Siri remote.
>>> I would say that all AV modern receivers would have HDMI inputs and 
>>> outputs, but if it’s not an AV receiver that you’re interested in, then 
>>> you’ll need to confirm.
>>> Later…
>>> Tim Kilburn
>>> Jamf Certified Tech
>>> Apple Professional Learning Specialist
>>> Apple Teacher
>>> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>> On Jun 16, 2021, at 9:30 AM, Ronald van Rhijn < 
>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>> Thanks. That was something where I feared for. I honestly don’t know if 
>>>> the music system which I am interested in has any hdmi ports, but even if 
>>>> it does and I get an Apple TV 4k for this, how do I control Apple Music? 
>>>> From the Apple TV or from my iPhone too? The latter is my preferred method.
>>>> Ronald
>>>>> Op 16 jun. 2021, om 17:12 heeft 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries 
>>>>> < 
>>>>> <>> het volgende geschreven:
>>>>> Hi Ronald,
>>>>> According to this post:
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Both AirPlay and AirPlay 2 can actually handle lossless, but for some 
>>>>> reason, the AirPlay signal is converted/compressed thus it will not be 
>>>>> lossless by the time it reaches your receiver.
>>>>> The best way to get lossless audio as well as Dolby Atmos is to use an 
>>>>> Apple TV 4K connected via HDMI to the receiver.  If your system supports 
>>>>> it, lossless and Dolby Atmos will be passed through to the receiver from 
>>>>> the Apple TV 4K using this setup.
>>>>> Later…
>>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>>> Jamf Certified Tech
>>>>> Apple Professional Learning Specialist
>>>>> Apple Teacher
>>>>> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
>>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>>>> On Jun 16, 2021, at 9:02 AM, Ronald van Rhijn < 
>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>> hello,
>>>>>> You are probably right there Tim, in being the track your are playing 
>>>>>> should be in lossless if you have this setting enabled. The problem is 
>>>>>> not every track is available in lossless yet, about 20 million Apple 
>>>>>> says. And by the end of the year they should all be.
>>>>>> I want to be absolutely sure my favourite music is or will be in 
>>>>>> lossless, since I also use Qobuz for this reason (which is not 
>>>>>> accessible enough and double the price of Apple Music).
>>>>>> Another issue with Apple Music could be when playing on a high end music 
>>>>>> system. Apple Music only lets you connect through Airplay (if supported) 
>>>>>> and I don’t know if Airplay supports lossless audio.
>>>>>> best,
>>>>>> Ronald
>>>>>>> Op 15 jun. 2021, om 22:22 heeft 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries 
>>>>>>> < 
>>>>>>> <>> het volgende geschreven:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> As far as I can tell, if you’re listening to the Apple Music version of 
>>>>>>> a title, it will be lossless if you’ve set your device to play 
>>>>>>> lossless.  There are other considerations as well.  See this article:
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Also, for an interesting read on the whole lossless, spacial audio 
>>>>>>> realm, check out the article below:
>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>> Later…
>>>>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>>>>> Jamf Certified Tech
>>>>>>> Apple Professional Learning Specialist
>>>>>>> Apple Teacher
>>>>>>> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
>>>>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>>>>>> On Jun 15, 2021, at 12:06 PM, Ronald van Rhijn < 
>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Will do., although lossless is most important to me. 
>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>> Ronald
>>>>>>>>> Op 15 jun. 2021, om 19:57 heeft 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries 
>>>>>>>>> < 
>>>>>>>>> <>> het volgende geschreven:
>>>>>>>>> Ronald,
>>>>>>>>> In the Music app, in Apple Music, select the Browse tab.  If your 
>>>>>>>>> device supports it, there are spacial audio playlists there for you 
>>>>>>>>> to check out.
>>>>>>>>> Later…
>>>>>>>>> Tim Kilburn
>>>>>>>>> Jamf Certified Tech
>>>>>>>>> Apple Professional Learning Specialist
>>>>>>>>> Apple Teacher
>>>>>>>>> (with Swift Playgrounds Recognition)
>>>>>>>>> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
>>>>>>>>>> On Jun 15, 2021, at 11:55 AM, Ronald van Rhijn < 
>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Patrick,
>>>>>>>>>> Ok you came across some playlists marked with the word spatial 
>>>>>>>>>> audio, that’s good to know. The word Spatial, was that in the name 
>>>>>>>>>> of the playlist or an additional tag?
>>>>>>>>>> Ronald
>>>>>>>>>>> Op 15 jun. 2021, om 19:47 heeft Patrick Ford < 
>>>>>>>>>>> <>> het volgende geschreven:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi, I have noticed that there are a number of playlists designed by 
>>>>>>>>>>> Apple that are marked with the words spatial audio. These lists 
>>>>>>>>>>> cover a wide variety of genres. I have also noticed that when you 
>>>>>>>>>>> select lossless files in your preferences all the music which has 
>>>>>>>>>>> not been downloaded will play in this format.
>>>>>>>>>>> The bummer for me is that, unless I am misunderstanding, you cannot 
>>>>>>>>>>> appreciate the spatial audio unless you are wearing a headset and I 
>>>>>>>>>>> think certain TV's. I have a surround sound system but sadly it 
>>>>>>>>>>> will not play the spatial audio.
>>>>>>>>>>> Patrick 
>>>>>>>>>>> Come and See
>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Jun 15, 2021, at 1:01 PM, Ronald van Rhijn < 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is anyone using the lossless feature of Apple Music on Mac and/or 
>>>>>>>>>>>> iPhone already? 
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am curious if we can read which music is in lossless format with 
>>>>>>>>>>>> Voice Over. And if so, where exactly is this info found. Perhaps 
>>>>>>>>>>>> its due to  me still running Catalina, but I never hear any info 
>>>>>>>>>>>> about lossless quality when browsing the Apple Music library. Same 
>>>>>>>>>>>> goes for Dolby Atmos/Spatial Audio.
>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ronald
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