What defines a voice as useless?
I suppose a voice named bells,  is just a ringer not a talker?
Are the voices say for English first in the order, or must one go down the list finding non-English speaking voices mixed into the options? Clarity is an absolute requirement, and I mean strictly on the mac.
Thanks so much,

On Mon, 28 Dec 2020, Jonathan C. Cohn wrote:

Well, I believe they’re only 40 English voice says, and of those at least 10 or 
totally useless. Generally they’re marked them as different genders and 
sometimes is a compact and a non-compact version. One example of a totally 
useless one, is the bells voice that was around since macOS eight or possibly 

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 28, 2020, at 5:03 PM, Karen Lewellen <klewel...@shellworld.net> wrote:

Do you know if any details about each voice is provided..anywhere?
Its characteristics, frequency ranges, etc.?
Surely there must be some reason that makes each voice distinctive from each   
other besides the name.
That such a number exists is honestly astonishing.

On Mon, 28 Dec 2020, Jonathan Cohn wrote:

There are approximately, 285 voices that are available as downloads from Apple. If you 
pick the name of the Voice in the Speech category of VoiceOver utility, and go to the 
last item in the pop-up list this will be "customize".
Pressing this brings up a dialog with a table of voices. Each voice has a 
checkbox next to it to determine if if it will be enabled for use in VoiceOver. 
After the list of voices is a play, cancel, and a OK button. The Play button 
lets you hear a sample of the selected voice. The OK button accepts any changes 
and requests System Utility to download the new voices the next time it checks 
for updates.

       Best wishes,

Jonathan Cohn

On Dec 28, 2020, at 09:53, Chris Westbrook <westbch...@gmail.com> wrote:

I like Alex, and sort of like Daniel sometimes, but are there additional voices 
for purchase or free? Just wondering. I like Fred's voice, but he doesn't speak 
clearly. haha.

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