Hi folks,

        I did the upgrade and all went well.  No longer able to use my 32 bit 
version of Microsoft word.  But, for my purposes Pages seems to be working out 
very nicely and I have Text Edit as well for some things. 

        I am not sure I want to add more to my learning curve right now with 

Thanks for the tips and encouragement. 

One note.  In a earlier thread about back up solutions I mentioned liking 
Carbon Copy Cloner.  In the process of upgrading I needed again to give Carbon 
Copy Cloner some permissions.  This was not easy to do.  They wanted me to drag 
a file into a table.  It was a fish icon.

I remember years ago writing to the developer and explaining it was not easy 
for a blind person using voice over to do.   It has not been changed.

He did send me a way to do it but it was not easy and  ended up just having my 
sighted partner drag it over.

So, though I have not used Super Duper I’d take the advice given by Robert 
Carter and go that route  for a application that does Cloning. 

I’ll stick to what I have as it is working and paid for but I won’t upgrade it 
in the future.

So far, I’m enjoying Catalina.

Eric Caron 

> On Mar 13, 2020, at 1:53 AM, 'Shawn Krasniuk' via MacVisionaries 
> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Well I've been beta testing Catalina when it first got released to developers 
> and I love it. The thing that sold me the most about it is the fact that we 
> can now use the Siri voices with Voiceover like we could on iOS.
> Regards,
> Shawn,
> Sent from Sophia, the MacBook Air
> Want to join my WhatsApp groups such as Echo Enthusiasts, Accessibility 
> Matters or my new group, Mac Users And Newbies? Send me a private email with 
> your contact information and I'll happily add you.
> Facebook Username: Shawn Krasniuk
> Twitter Handle: shawnk_aka_bbs
> Skype username: bbstheblindrapper
> Facetime: bbssh...@icloud.com
>> On Mar 12, 2020, at 11:07 AM, Anders Holmberg <and...@pipkrokodil.se> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I think you should upgrade as you get the latest security then.
>> It works quite well for most of the time.
>> There are some issues for me with braille and i guess this wont be fixed for 
>> quite some time since braille isn’t quite important for apple.
>> But things work as they should.
>> Be aware thought that Itunes is gone and you have to learn the new music app.
>> /A
>>> 12 mars 2020 kl. 00:32 skrev Eric Caron <eric.caro...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Now that I’m back on list I have a bit more confidence about upgrading. 
>>> I’m wondering if the group feels like Catalina is now functioning well and 
>>> worth upgrading or are many people sticking with a past OS?  I’m currently 
>>> working in Mojave.
>>> Eric Caron 
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