do you have the equal of 1-800-my-apple?
That is the free number for apple support, at least in north American.
surely there is something comparative?
On Fri, 13 Mar 2020, Petrus Tuerlings wrote:
Yes, my wife told me that as well but figured I had nothing to lose by trying.
Oh, as far as your last suggestion goes unfortunately we do not have Apple
stores in New Zealand, the nearest one would be Australia.
Sent from Petrus's iPhone
On 13/03/2020, at 17:00, J??rgen Fleger <> wrote:
???Hi Petrus,
as far as I know there's no such e-mail-address for support. You can use the
feedback page on the internet or the technical support via telephone. And you
could visit an Apple Store of course.
All the best
Von meinem iPhone gesendet
Am 13.03.2020 um 04:46 schrieb Petrus Tuerlings <>:
???Hi all,
I wanted to email apple to asked if there was a way I could put my purchased
alert tones on on to my Mac, or purchase new ones for my Mac. I didn???t want
to email the accessibility email address as it really isn???t an accessibility
issue. Is there an address I can use? I tried to guess as I couldn???t find one
on their web-site. This is the auto reply I got.
Begin forwarded message:
Subject: (Auto-reply) Apple Support
Date: 13 March 2020 at 16:27:31 NZDT
Thank you for contacting Apple. This is an unattended Apple e-mail address.
Here are some support options for your Apple products and services:
Suspicious E-mails
If you've received a suspicious-looking email that looks like a receipt or
invoice claiming to be from Apple, forward it to
Apple Music on Android devices
Go to
Apple TV app for Smart TVs as well as Roku and Amazon Fire TV streaming
Go to this article for setup
Go to to request help on Apple TV app for your
Shazam customer support
Go to this article and click on the link
in Get Help
All Other Apple Support Needs
Go to
Thanks again for writing.
Sent from Petrus' MacBook
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