Hey Donna,

Thankfully, I have a windows copy of Duxbury available. I recall in the past 
trying to emboss from a virtual machine using duxbury and running into issues 
with my mac not being able to detect the embosser. The only fix was to install 
windows on a bootcamp partition rather than a virtual machine which worked 
well. Wondering if that bug was fixed and whether one can now emboss out of the 
virtual machine. 

Thank you so much!
All best,

> On Jul 23, 2019, at 8:59 AM, 'Donna Goodin' via MacVisionaries 
> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> Hi Ibrahim,
> Erik is probably right about virtualization, but I bought a MacBook Pro in 
> 2017, after using an Air for eight years prior, and I really miss the light 
> weight and portability of the Air.  the Pros are nice, and still pretty 
> portable, but the Air really comes out ahead in my opinion, and it does a 
> good job for the things I do.  If I were going to make that decision again, 
> I'd go with the Air.
> Another thing that you might want to know is the cost of Duxbury for Mac.  
> I've wanted it since it came out, but when I learned the cost, decided to 
> just keep running it under Windows.  The price tag on Duxbury for Mac is $700.
> Good luck with your decision.
> Cheers,
> Donna
>> On Jul 23, 2019, at 7:42 AM, Ibraheem Fakir <ibayri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey group,
>> Hope you’re all well! I’m in the market for a new Apple laptop, looking for 
>> something that can run windows jaws and Duxbury. Saw the MacBook Pro and the 
>> MacBook Aire posted online, and unsure if the higher end of the MacBook Aire 
>> is fit to do the job or if the MacBook Pro is the better option here. Any 
>> suggestions?
>> I’m looking to run windows on either  Boot Camp or virtual hard drive, also 
>> looking for suggestions on this set up. All input  is  deeply appreciated.
>> All best,
>> Ibraheem
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