Hi Louie,

Thanks for the kind words, there's a lot more coming in this new version I'm 
crunching to push for the end of month.

The radio signal you hear actually comes from a movie called Contact, with 
Jodie Foster. It's an interpretation of the book by Carl Sagan. it's an epic 
scene, when she identifies a signal coming from outer space.

This was the only and probably most relevant analogy I could have made about 
listening to the stars. The 2 signals I talk about are actually generated by my 
code. There are hundreds of thousands of different sounds to analyse and 
generate. I even heard music artists and bands use the astro seismology of 
stars for the beats.

> On 15 Mar 2019, at 8:45 am, Pete Nalda <lpna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Speaking of wood is that radio conversation we here in Astreos right now?  
> Also is there a way of using it to listen to unclassifiable objects? It’s a 
> pretty fun little app and I’m enjoying it! Thank you for making it!
> Egun On, Lagunak! (basque for G'day, Mates
> Louie P (Pete) Nalda
> MySpace.com/musikonalda <http://myspace.com/musikonalda>
> Facebook.com/lpnalda <http://facebook.com/lpnalda>
> Linkedin.com/in/lpnalda <http://linkedin.com/in/lpnalda>
> Twitter: @lpnalda
> On Mar 14, 2019, at 7:55 AM, Yuma Decaux <jamy...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:jamy...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> To continue on this, SpaceX has an API that allows to follow most of its 
>> takeoffs and missions, which I will be putting into Astreos, as well as 
>> getting the ISS webcam stream when it's available.
>> I am really looking forward to get the new features out after I clean up 
>> everything on this major version.
>>> On 14 Mar 2019, at 6:43 pm, Simon Fogarty <si...@blinky-net.com 
>>> <mailto:si...@blinky-net.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi ET,
>>> No it’s not nasa,
>>> Space x and virgin are both working on different things to take passengers 
>>> in to space.
>>> Not right out to the space station or moon type altitudes but to the edge 
>>> of space.
>>> The crafts to be used will be passenger craft somewhat like a standard 
>>> airplane but able to climb to higher altitudes and I think it’s a minute of 
>>> weightlessness
>>> And it’s not the first time people have tried this type of thing.
>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>> On Behalf Of Sandie Jazmin Kruse
>>> Sent: Thursday, 14 March 2019 4:14 AM
>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>> Subject: Re: Call for action: Astreos exo hunting
>>> Rereads, and rereads again... let me see if i get this right ... you are 
>>> most certainly right in that Space x have just flown its demo 1 mission 
>>> with its Dragon who will take humans too the space station.
>>> But. The way i read your mail, you make it sound like 100 people at the 
>>> same time , will go into space? And one of them being blind?
>>>  If i am mistaken and they will go , 7 after each other , read up about 
>>> what it will cost nasa, just for that one demo 1 mission.
>>> I truly understand your fascination for space. I truly do, i am just 
>>> scanning a wonderful book about ISS. So i can flooow you better than you 
>>> might think. And your  i can do it all attitude is damn uplifting , but 
>>> stop... think... a blind person? That would be for the media scoop alone.
>>> However if think if anyone should go , you should be the one , you made the 
>>> App after all.
>>> I can be wrong , but i doubt it ,
>>> I should add ... when the dragon docked, and undocked from ISS i was crying 
>>> my eyes out , this is so good we are back in business
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On 13 Mar 2019, at 15.35, Yuma Decaux <jamy...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:jamy...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for your kind words Mike,
>>> I think it really is about passion, a bit of madness in that you will spend 
>>> hours to validate what you think is a thread that can lead somewhere, long 
>>> hours of fun and sometimes not so fun work, but all the way is the 
>>> certitude that this will help promote education, cross over activities and 
>>> especially the value of blind people the world around.
>>> And well, I love travelling for investigation :)
>>> Have a great day 
>>> Yuma 
>>> On 13 Mar 2019, at 10:59 pm, Michael Busboom <mbusb...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:mbusb...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> You have a phenomenal can-do attitude, and it is extremely motivational! 
>>> Keep up the excellent work, and thanks for making it possible for those of 
>>> us who are interested in space to participate in the study of the cosmos.
>>> Mike
>>> On 13.03.2019, at 11:00, Yuma Decaux <jamy...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:jamy...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Also,
>>> Having won the NASA space app challenge here in Brisbane, and being in 
>>> touch with a few engineers working at NASA, the job is about going to them 
>>> and communicating. if no-one does it, no-one at NASA will really think 
>>> anyone who is visually impaired is interested in working for them. 
>>> On 13 Mar 2019, at 7:49 pm, Raymond Foret Jr <rforet7...@comcast.net 
>>> <mailto:rforet7...@comcast.net>> wrote:
>>> Very interesting:  but, do you really think that Nasa actually believes a 
>>> blind person will ever actually go in to space?  Hate to tell you, but as 
>>> for me, I think not;  their noises to the contrary not with standing.
>>> Sent from the first computer with built-in screen reader access for the 
>>> blind:
>>> Sincerely,
>>> The constantly barefooted Ray
>>> On Mar 13, 2019, at 4:25 AM, Sandie Jazmin Kruse <sandi1...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:sandi1...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Looooool. While i really respect your work, i really do, a blind person in 
>>> space. I will believe it when i see it .
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On 13 Mar 2019, at 03.01, Yuma Decaux <jamy...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:jamy...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I have spoken to Mark about this off list and he has been kind enough to 
>>> support the endeavour I have been embarked on for the past year, as well as 
>>> what I am about to ask.
>>> Some of you know that I have been working on the first star gazing app for 
>>> sighted and blind, Astreos. 
>>> Let's say that it has gotten very far since I first started playing around 
>>> with NASA's data trove. It won a NASA space app challenge, has appeared 
>>> across the globe, at an Apple summit for education, and even a physics 
>>> magazine from the U.k. 
>>> Some also might know that I have spoken at a recent TEDx in Brisbane, 
>>> Australia.
>>> I am about to release a version which now has every object which has been 
>>> classified and is known to pro astronomers, and some objects which are only 
>>> known in the scientific field, along with some big improvements, bug fixes 
>>> and a special feature which is the reason of this invitation.
>>> I have spoken to several astrophysicists, both at my uni and one close to 
>>> my city which is the only one in the SOuthern hemisphere working with MIT 
>>> on a data set coming from a recently launched satellite, the TESS or 
>>> Transit Exoplanet Search Satellite. Our discussion is ongoing as they are 
>>> validating what I thought would be possible as a blind person.
>>> What the TESS satellite basically does is to capture what is known as light 
>>> curves, a time based light value set of pixels from hundreds of thousands 
>>> of stars in the night sky.
>>> With a set of tools, scientists usually try to identify various phenomenon, 
>>> such as the explosion of a super nova, what is called tidal disruptions 
>>> which are basically black holes ripping stars apart, and also exoplanets 
>>> transiting their host stars. Visually, this is quite messy, so teams around 
>>> the world try to use algorithms. However, human perception is way more 
>>> advanced than computers.
>>> And this is where the idea came. What if we as blind users can actually 
>>> hear the transition of an exoplanet? it happens to be very much a reality.
>>> So I am working with those astrophysicists to create a sequence of tools 
>>> for the blind, so that we can download light curves associated to what are 
>>> called authorised campaigns, use the tools to identify yet undiscovered 
>>> exoplanets, report it to the scientific team working on that quadrant, and 
>>> if the discovery is confirmed, the exoplanet will be named under whatever 
>>> you want it named.
>>> This is citizen science to its most universal.
>>> And this is my proposal for the Holman prize, so that I can keep 
>>> investigating, and speaking to the people who will make this a reality, 
>>> including 2 blind astrophysicists, one in SOuth Africa, who has also spoken 
>>> at TED, and another in the U.K, who will most probably love the work being 
>>> done.
>>> Finally, the last leg of the investigation will be to NASA's jet propulsion 
>>> labs, where the engineer I have been working on for solar system objects as 
>>> well as asteroids and comets, will help me promote science topics for blind 
>>> kids who have an inclination for maths and sciences.
>>> And this one being a stretch goal, but still a possibility, is to approach 
>>> a Japanese tycoon who has recently booked a flight with space X to the moon 
>>> scheduled in 2023, with the intent of having various human citizens 
>>> onboard. This is to get one of us, picked from a facebook page I will 
>>> establish, to be on that flight.
>>> I know this is ambitious, but there are no limitations to what we can do, 
>>> and I guarantee this is the case, from my own experience. And I am sure 
>>> most of you think the same.
>>> Here is the link to the video, please press on the like button and help me 
>>> get this investigation through to the first blind citizen having an 
>>> exoplanet named after him/her. It might be one of us, or many of us. But in 
>>> the end, it will only show the world that being blind does not limit us to 
>>> anything, and that we are fully part of the space age.
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TDsHHuT3CQ&feature=youtu.be 
>>> <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TDsHHuT3CQ&feature=youtu.be>
>>> Also, here's the link to get the app Astreos, and be part of the beta 
>>> testing stage when the exoplanet hunting sequence starts.
>>> https://astreos.oseyeris.com <https://astreos.oseyeris.com/>
>>> Thanks a lot for your attention, and have an awesome week :)
>>> Yuma, the space indiana jones
>>> If you can, please help propagate this around your networks, family and 
>>> friends. I and many others think this can usher in a lot of new ideas and 
>>> promote accessibility to a whole lot more for us.
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