Hi Jeff,

Thanks for a much for her learning me to the HP Smart application. I just 
installed it on my iPhone. I gave it access to my dropbox folder. I think it’s 
really going to be great to print documents from HP Smart. I think I may have 
lucked out on this one. I would agree with you that this is the nicest printer 
I’ve ever owned.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 27, 2019, at 3:47 PM, jeff `greene <greenebo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know! I think its the best printer I've ever owned. Right after I
> set it up I put a 15 page letter that I was procrastinating about
> scanning into its auto-feeder, brought up docuscan+ on the mac and in
> 10 seconds I was reading it. Very impressed! I also downloaded the HP
> Smart app for my iphone and can print photos off my phone from
> anywhere in the house.
> The first wifi printer I bought was like 10 years ago and I had an
> apple airport extreme at the time which wouldn't let the printer join
> the network. So, off to the store for a USB cable. Since then I've had
> wifi printers that work for a while over the network, but in every
> case at some point I had to drag out the old usb cable again.
> Really loving this HP!
> Jeff
>> On 2/27/19, Les Kriegler <kriegle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> Well this is ironic, but we just purchased the same printer last Friday when
>> I was gave out. Like you, it was very easy to set up. I just typed printer
>> from the window search screen and I was able to add a tear to the network
>> with no problem.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Feb 27, 2019, at 1:44 PM, jeff `greene <greenebo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Bill,
>>> I've had many problems with wifi printers over the years. What I just
>>> purchased was an HP Laser Jet Pro 281FDW all-in-one color laser
>>> printer. I plugged it into my router, brought up system prefs and hit
>>> add new printer. Wallah, I now have a networked printer that works
>>> from mac os, windows and IOS. And it was the easiest printer I've ever
>>> set up.
>>> One last note the model I mentioned is quite pricey but HP does make
>>> other all-in-one's that connect to your network for much less.
>>> Hope this helps! Jeff
>>>> On 2/27/19, Jonathan Cohn <jon.c.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> My HP printer has its own WIFi hotspot showing up in the network choices.
>>>> I
>>>> am not positive, but I believe I was able to use a connection to the
>>>> printer
>>>> with this SSID to do initial configuration.
>>>>> On Feb 27, 2019, at 1:25 PM, 'Bill Gallik' via MacVisionaries
>>>>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hmmm, the fact that initial set-up for a Wi-Fi printer is not
>>>>> accessible
>>>>> is not so much an issue so much as what happens to the configuration
>>>>> after
>>>>> a power outage.  If I need to ask a friend for help setting up a
>>>>> printer
>>>>> the first time - well, that’s is not such a big deal.  But if the
>>>>> set-up
>>>>> needs to be done each time the printer loses power; well, that’s an
>>>>> entirely different kettle of fish.  And, may I add, such a situation
>>>>> would
>>>>> exude about the same smell as a week old kettle of fish!
>>>>> Can anybody hear advise that the set-up is in non-volatile memory?
>>>>> ************
>>>>> - Bill from Ino, Wisconsin
>>>>> - "Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint."
>>>>> - US Humorist, Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)
>>>>> On Feb 26, 2019, at 2:39 PM, 'Tim Kilburn' via MacVisionaries
>>>>> <macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>>> <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> In my experience, Wi-Fi printers are not accessible for initial set up.
>>>>> Regarding Bluetooth printers, I have no real experience with them,
>>>>> although, you may have the same frustrations with them during set up as
>>>>> you would with a Wi-Fi printer.
>>>>> Later… hi,
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