I also heard about the ne
On Jan 15, 2017, at 2:53 pm, John JD Denning <jdenning1...@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanks everybody for your comments. Yes I started with Google searches, and 
have found a number. But I've not read any comments by blind users. It looks 
like there's one in development now that's very promising and one that I found 
that looked really great but it only works with older iPhones. I'm gonna keep 
looking. I do have a prodigy that I just received. Haven't even used it yet. 
Just put in the batteries and it talks. I've been using for years and Accu Chek 
compact. And what I love about that is that holds a canister that contain 17 
strips. So I never have to mess with strips. I love that for the convenience 
factor. But it doesn't talk at all.

So I'll keep looking for the perfect solution. And if any of you find a perfect 
solution please let me know. Thanks.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 15, 2017, at 13:24, Dan D. <dandun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> w one which is supposed to come out early this year and will have a strip 
> cartridge that you describe.  I use the Prodigy and have used it sucessfully 
> for years.  Yes, you do have to mess with strips, but the talking peace makes 
> it easier to use.  take care, Jerry 
> A google with:
> iphone glucose meter
> will get a ton of responses.
> They work by sending the result to the iphone/ipad where the app can voice 
> and/or store the result.  Make sure the app is voice accessable.
> One from the above google appears to be an apple product.  One factor is
> the cost of strips.  Actual meters are often given away because they know
> the real money is in the strips which can vary greatly in price.
> Also check with your insurance company because they often will only support 
> certain meters and strips.
>> On Sat, 14 Jan 2017, John JD Denning wrote:
>> Greetings all. I hope there's someone out there with diabetes with 
>> experience with a glucose meter that works well with your iPhone and 
>> voiceover. If anybody can make a recommendation or share any thoughts I 
>> would appreciate it. I don't want to just be able to port the information 
>> for logging but I'd like something that either has good speech itself, or 
>> relies on the iPhone.
>> Thank you
>> Sent from my iPhone
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