Hi Scott,

Do you know how I can update firmware on LG HBS-1100?

I tried Googling, but cannot find a utility, release notes, or if this is
even possible.

Hoping you're able to help :)

On Tue, Dec 27, 2016 at 4:12 PM Scott Granados <scott.grana...@gmail.com>

> HI Ray, so most modern headsets have a firmware component and a settings
> component.  You install one form of updater or another, plantronics uses
> the headset updater, the jawbone uses the jawbone update tool and so
> forth.  It’s very likely your manufacturer has a set of tools or both
> updating your headset and configuring it.  Firmware updates are important,
> just like operating system updates you get bug fixes and added features.
> You will want to google your headset name and model and something like
> firmware or settings.  That should help you activate and disable the
> features you want. Let me know if you have any further questions.
> Thanks
> On Dec 26, 2016, at 5:11 PM, Ray Foret jr <rforet7...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Configuration for headset?  Where would I find that?  I assume that to get
> to it, I’d have to have it connected?
> Sent from my Mac, The Only computer with full accessibility for the blind
> built-in
> Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray,
> Still a very happy Comcast XFinity Voice Guidance, Mac, Verizon
> Wireless iPhone7+ and Apple TV user!
> On Dec 26, 2016, at 2:33 PM, Scott Granados <scott.grana...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hey Ray, about the call quality issue, I have some ideas that may help you.
> I’m not sure the carrier you use, if you use T-Mobile you’re set for this
> out of the box, if you use Verizon you need to activate advanced calling
> features on your phone, you can do that through the web portal or by
> calling customer service.  It’s a free feature.  If you use AT&T same deal,
> Sprint is hit or miss.
> On your iPhone select settings, cellular, insure cellular data is enabled
> and under the cellular options make sure that both voice and data are
> enabled for LTE.  If all these things are set you should get a call that
> sounds much more like FaceTime or Skype if you call someone who supports
> the high bandwidth calling.  Also, if you have a configuration too for your
> new headset insure that wide band calling is enabled.  Even with out wide
> band calling enabling this tends to make the audio a little less crunchy.
> Good luck
> Scott
> On Dec 26, 2016, at 3:25 PM, Ray Foret jr <rforet7...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Yo Dave, thanks but I already knew that.  I think perhaps you
> missunderstood me due to the fact that I failed to mention that I did in
> fact bring up the mini player window.  Inside the mini player window, I
> double tapped and held down the next track button.  Under ordinary
> circumstances, as you properly indicated, skimming forward and backwards
> through a track does in fact work:  however, with the bluetooth headphones
> I have connected, this does not work.
> Sent from my Mac, The Only computer with full accessibility for the blind
> built-in
> Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray,
> Still a very happy Comcast XFinity Voice Guidance, Mac, Verizon
> Wireless iPhone7+ and Apple TV user!
> On Dec 26, 2016, at 2:04 PM, David Chittenden <dchitten...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> When in iOS, Apple Music now brings up the mini player. Double-tap on the
> expand mini player button. When in the full player screen, previous and
> skip will scan forward and back through the track with double-tap and hold.
> When the button is then released, the scan stops. Note: the scan starts
> after the hold has lasted for about a second.
> Kind regards,
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
> Mobile: +61 488 988 936 <+61%20488%20988%20936>
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 26/12/2016, at 12:37, Ray Foret jr <rforet7...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Okay,
> Yesterday, I was gifted a pair of bluetooth headphones, (Philips
> SHB5500).  Very nice sound except when on the phone, the sound tends to
> suffer quite a bit.  I guess Philips did that on purpose to help spare the
> battery.  Anyhow, that’s not my question.  My questions are these.
> 1.  When listening to a track on the Apple Music app, I noticed that it is
> not possible to skimm through a track like you do on CD player.  Double
> tapping and holding the next button does not perform its usual function.
> Any way around this?
> 2.  Also, while there is no audio skipping on those headphones when
> connected to my iPhone7+, there is audio skipping when connected to my
> Mac.  Any reason for this and anything I can do about it?
> Thanks.
> Sent from my Mac, The Only computer with full accessibility for the blind
> built-in
> Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray,
> Still a very happy Comcast XFinity Voice Guidance, Mac, Verizon
> Wireless iPhone7+ and Apple TV user!
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