I know I have brought this topic up before. Another year has gone by, and there are many sound bars on sale right now with substantial discount. But if I don't work any better than what we have now, I don't want to spend another few hundred bucks and be disappointed. The problem I have, and I know others have had it as well, is that when you have voiceover on your Apple TV and that is connected to a sound bar, you miss words from voiceover. When sound is playing, as when you have music or TV program active, there are no VoiceOver missing words. This has something to do with the HDMI, and I don't remember exactly what. But I know that when I look at the sound bars online, it doesn't really give any indication of any of the specs that I might need to know up to see if voiceover is going to work right. We just got a Roku streaming stick with accessibility. It's suffers from the same problem as voiceover. You miss lots of words. So, I would really like to get a nice quality sound bar that actually lets me use these devices. I can sort of get around it with the Apple TV by using a Bluetooth speaker. But then of course, the sound bar isn't in use. Anyway, I would really like a top quality sound bar that is going to do what I need it to do for any of these connected devices that have voice accessibility. Does anybody have any advice?
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