Have been told this. So does this mean one cannot send documents created with Duxbury?

From E.T.'s Keyboard...
  Are We Alone in the Universe?

On 9/8/2016 11:47 AM, gkearney wrote:
Danger Will Robertson! Doing Braille translation inside the embosser
does not permit you to correct any translation errors the internal
software might make, and every translation software make errors even
DBT. You also can not modify the layout of the Braille pages. What is
happening is the text is sent to the embosser which has a copy of
liblouis translation software in it. That software make a translation
which is then sent to the embossing mechanism there is no method of
making any kind of changes or corrections.

On Tuesday, 6 September 2016 17:30:34 UTC-5, anders wrote:

    I guess its doable but unnessesarry as it translates braille on its
    I don’t know any other embossers that works on the mac other than
    the Index.
    > On 6 Sep 2016, at 22:25, E.T. <ancient...@icloud.com> wrote:
    >   If anyone is running the beta software, what embossers are
    working well on the Mac? My old Juliet has broken down which is not
    directly working under OS X anyway.
    >   So am exploring my options. I think it was said that the Index
    does its own translation. Does that mean using DBT with an Index is
    not doable? If so, what embossers will work? Thanks.
    > From E.T.'s Keyboard...
    >  Are We Alone in the Universe?
    > ancient...@icloud.com
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