
Did you by any chance ask him how much voiceover usage knowledge did he have?

I  know how to drive a car but I wouldn’t say I was great at it. Or that all 
blind people can do it.

I wonder if we have a apple accessibility contact team here in NZ.
Might be worth while giving them a call about one of their products
From: [] 
On Behalf Of Ray Foret jr
Sent: Sunday, 17 July 2016 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: A question I'd really like some serious thought to be given to 
regarding iOS.

You mean you had this kind of exchange with Apple Accessibility?  My goodness.  
Maybe we need actual blind people working in that department:  then, we’d get 
some actually accurate information.  While I’m glad you showed him up on his 
ignorance, I’m not glad it took your effort to make it a reality.  Seems to me 
we’ve got a fair bit of work ahead of us.  Was he an American at least?

Sent from my Mac, The only computer with full accessibility for the blind 

Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray
Still a very happy Mac, Verizon Wireless iPhone6+ and Apple TV user!!!!!

On Jul 17, 2016, at 2:29 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
<<>> wrote:

That's kind of what I had suspected to hear.  I just wanted to check.

What's worse is, when I spoke to Apple Accessibility over the phone, they swore 
to god it was stupidly ridiculously accessible with Voiceover.

When I insisted to the guy, no it's not, he's like, all of our native Apple 
apps are super accessible.

Just to kind of play with his head a bit, being we all know, that's just a 
roundhanded assumption with no prior research, it's obvious, I said to him, 
"Oh!  OK, so you're saying I can edit pictures, crop, remove red eye, adjust 
brightness/tone, create and remove layers, remove shadowing, etc. with Apogy, 
which is a photo editer."  He's like, well, no.  I never said that.  I'm like, 
but you did!  You said all! Apple native apps work ridiculously well with 
Voiceover.  He's like, OK, fine, not all do, but most do.  GB being one of them.

I clarified with him I didn't mean on OSX, I meant on iOS.  He's like, yes.  I 
know that.  Yes, it's totally usable.

So, I grabbed my IPad and fired it up.  I asked him then to show me how to 
import a karaoke track, lay down my vocals, and then add some effects to my 
vocal track.

About 2 minutes into him trying to guide me through the screen, it was very 
apparent to him that we were getting absolutely nowhere.

He's like, ok, this is imbarrassing.  I tell you all things we make are 
accessible.  This thing's a piece of crap!  I'm like, Gee! Ya think?  Now!  
What're we gonna do about it?

He's like I don't know.  I'll sent a ticket up to the engineers, but that's 
about all I can do here.  In his defense, I'll grant him that.  But, I just 
wish some of these reps would do their freaking homework before just up and out 
yammerring something they don't honestly know the answer to.  I found that 
extremely irritating!
Christopher Gilland
JAWS Certified, 2016.
Training Instructor.<>
Phone: (704) 256-8010.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jessica Moss<>
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2016 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: A question I'd really like some serious thought to be given to 
regarding iOS.

I find Garage band to be a real disappointment to work with as well, which is 
really upsetting to me.  My dad does a lot with it on his ipad, and uplodes it 
to facebook, so I thought I could possibly create some of those same tracks, 
until I tried in vain and after accidentally taping on drums I didn’t want, and 
not being able to correct them, then after watching him create tracks with his 
ipad, seeing how he was able to take them in and out on the fly, something you 
apparently can’t do with voiceover, and how knowing your musical notes helps 
(something I’m not good with) I’ve for the most part given it up.

On Jul 13, 2016, at 7:05 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland 
<<>> wrote:

OK guys,

First of all, no doubt, I get that this isn't gonna be the experience I'd have 
on the mac OSX side of things with ProTools, or Logic, but I really would like 
some serious thought on this.  I've got an IPad, and really would like to know 
to what extent the accessibility is with the iOS version of Garageband.  When I 
tried it last, I couldn't make any sense of its UI at all.

I've had a few people from this list, don't remember who, who told me flat out 
that Garageband did work with Voiceover on iOS.  They said I can bring the on 
screen keyboard up, then can do little things like playing Mary had a Little 
lamb, or hot cross buns.  OK, that's all fine and kiddy kiddy, here, kiddy 
kiddy, nice, kiddy, but I wanna get some real brutally honest answers here from 
people who may be a little above the level of Twinkle.  OK, inevitably, it's an 
on screen keyboard, so I'm not gonna really be able to do Moonlight Sonata, or 
Hendel Messiah's Hallelujah chorus, LOL! Not that I'd do those anyway, but 
point is, I know I'd be somewhat limited, but really how much power do we have 
with Voiceover either on or off?  Keep in mind, though I have some vision, if I 
turned off Voiceover, I really don't have enough usable sight to do anything 
all that productive, not even with Zoom.

Ultimately, what I'd like to do is to look at getting an audio interface that 
would let me connect my IPad via its lightning port, then record directly into 
it with a professional grade microphone which would connect to the interface 
via male to female XLR mike cable, then maybe also patch in my keyboard with 
standard stareo quarter inch gold tip plugs.  Basically I want an interface 
like I already have only one that has IPad or IPhone docking ability so I could 
let the IPad basically be the recording DAW hardware.

Ideally, I'd already have stem tracks of all the instruments.  I'd simply just 
want to be able to import those wave or mp3 stems into my GB project, again, on 
iOS, not on OSX, on to seperet stereo audio tracks, then create a mono audio 
track for my vocals, track them, and maybe some backings, then add maybe a 
little delay, or maybe a little reverb to the vocals, maybe lay down a backing 
part, then bounce to M4A, or mp3, and somehow then get it back over to my mac 
for further distribution.

I know in the sighted world, all of this is super super super doable.  I just 
don't know how much I could actually do with Voiceover.  Again, I'm perfectly 
happy/comfortable with doing all this from my mac.  I'm just trying to figure 
out specifically on iOS.

Am I wishing way too much for GB at this point from an accessibility 
standpoint?  I probably am, but I can't help asking.  Again, basic little 
things, banging out If you're birdy and you know it chirp along, is one thing, 
but can I really! actually use this for production work?  I don't need to edit 
things right now.  I just need to record.  If I goof up, then just undo, and do 
another take.  I'm not concerned with routing through AUX tracks, or sends, I'm 
not interested in comping, I don't need to write automation, none of that.  I 
just need to bang out a basic recording of my  vocals on top of a few stem 
tracks, then bounce it out.

Any thoughts?  I know, again, you get the point, but I cannot stress enough, 
I'm asking about GB on iOS, not! on OSX with the mac.  Make that entirely clear.


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