You should be just fine.  Just make sure you open port 80 on your 
router/firewall, and port forward it to the private IP of your mac.

I actually would either get OSX server, or get Mamp.  Mainly because that way 
you'll also have access to  php, and to My SQL in case you need them.
Christopher Gilland
JAWS Certified, 2016.
Training Instructor.
Phone: (704) 256-8010.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Alex Hall 
  To: 'Chris Blouch' via MacVisionaries 
  Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2016 9:56 AM
  Subject: Hosting a website on a Mac Mini?

  Hi all,
  I just got a domain name, to use for testing something at work with emails. I 
figured I may as well use it to host, well, whatever I want to. I have a Mac 
Mini with 8GB ram and an SSD, and I don't expect much traffic on this site at 
all. My questions, then:

  * Is this machine suited to the task, if I also want to use it for everyday 
things like email or Safari? It's my primary computer.

  * Should I use OS X Server, or would Nginx or Apache work just as well? I'm 
comfortable enough with both that not having a GUI for configuration doesn't 
bother me.

  * What security concerns should I know, given that this computer also holds 
my own files, keychain, and the like? Will server directives to restrict access 
be enough, or is it just a bad idea to run a public site from a personal 

  Thanks in advance for any information. I've done some web hosting before, and 
I know programming and servers, but I've never hosted my own site. This time, I 
own only the domain, no server space or anything else. I'd like to avoid paying 
for shared hosting if I can, since I don't expect this site to do a ton or 
attract many visitors.

  Have a great day,
  Alex Hall

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