Hi, Brian

Thank you for the specific examples. I have seen some of the Safari issues you 
mentioned. I don't experience them all the time, though. I'm not convinced that 
the mail issues you bring up our related to the new operating system, though. 
I'm glad you were able to roll back, and I hope that your experiences are good 
once again. Again, thank you for the response.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 17, 2015, at 3:23 PM, Brian Fischler <brianfisch...@me.com> wrote:
> Hi Jamie,
> I had serious safari bugs with VO being extremely unstable meaning sites that 
> i personally visit a lot fantasy pros and Facebook two that come right to 
> mind constantly would cause VO to crash. When I say crash VO would turn off 
> as I would hear the click VO makes when you turn it on and then I would hear 
> Welcome to VoiceOVer. Additionally on a lot of sites if you were going from 
> link to link using your down arrow VO would read one link but not the next 
> link. You would have to hit the up arrow then down arrow again and then VO 
> would read the next link. Got to be quite frustrating and counterproductive. 
> I did enjoy the snappiness and responsiveness of VO in mail, but in mail 
> while going through these lists and deleting messages I would constantly get 
> error messages that mail could not move the deleted item to the trash 
> therefore cluttering up my inbox. 
> I decided to roll back to Yosemite which was a bloody awful experience as I 
> got something I have never seen before on a mac meaning VO was basically 
> reading a word then gone for a minute or two then back and same over and 
> over. Spoke to Apple Accessibility this morning and the guy was fantastic. We 
> went over all of my issues the exact steps I took and the guy even admitted 
> that yes, VO users have had some very serious issues in El Capitan and that 
> the fix is coming soon. He then got me started on doing a time machine 
> restore. I left for a few hours just got back and thankfully everything is 
> back to running the way it was on Yosemite. So yes a lot of frustration and 
> anger, but not once did I say I was leaving Apple, and I am quite thankful to 
> have such a valuable resource as the Apple Accessibility phone number and 
> Time Machine.
>> On Oct 17, 2015, at 3:44 PM, E.T. <ancient.ali...@icloud.com> wrote:
>>  But it IS opinions regardless who says what. Its not a new concept that 
>> when someone has trouble with say, OS X, that makes Windows look very 
>> appealing. Or the opposite. How many times have we seen unhappy users of iOS 
>> devices state they will go with some other brand? Its a knee jerk reaction 
>> to what seems to be insurmountable frustrations. We do not need to feed into 
>> this.
>>  Chris, you are right up there with the best of them in this respect. Yet 
>> how some people on this list overlook *your* drama and try their best to 
>> help you? My hat is off to those people.
>>  We all have our moments of insurmountable frustration. Its a good time to 
>> walk away, get some fresh air or coffee, anything but sit there fuming.
>>  A good strategy would be akin to a well known TV detective hwo would say, 
>> "Just the facts, ma'am". In other works, state the issue, leave the drama 
>> out of it, get to the point and pray that someone will provide a quick 
>> solution. And if you were smart and walked away, you just might come back to 
>> that solution.
>>  The indisputable truth of it is that nothing will ever be 100% just the way 
>> we want it. When Apple works. Apple is peachy. But let one thing go wrong 
>> and Apple is the scum of the earth. That accomplishes nothing. Fact is, 
>> human error will *always* be part of the equation. There is no escaping that.
>> From E.T.'s Keyboard...
>>  ancient.ali...@icloud.com
>> Many believe that we have been visited
>> in the past. What if it were true?
>>> On 10/17/2015 11:36 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
>>> I'm not meaning this to be disrespectful, but I agree totally with
>>> Jamie.  In all this drama about how the mac is worse, and how Windows is
>>> becoming more appealing, we've lost the main topic. It's so bad now, I
>>> don't even know what exactly the initial bugs are.
>>> Can someone give a refresher, without that is, being all slammy toward
>>> either Windows, or toward Apple?  Leave your opinions out.  For now, I
>>> just want the facts.
>>> Again, I definitely mean this with all due respect.
>>> Chris.
>>>   ----- Original Message -----
>>>   *From:* Jamie Pauls <mailto:jamiepa...@gmail.com>
>>>   *To:* macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>   <mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com>
>>>   *Sent:* Saturday, October 17, 2015 1:27 PM
>>>   *Subject:* Re: Safari on the Mac worse than ever?
>>>   To be honest, I’ve not seen the horrible Safari issues some are
>>>   experiencing. What are a few of the worst bugs, here?
>>>   Take care and have a great day.
>>>   Jamie Pauls
>>>   jamiepa...@gmail.com <mailto:jamiepa...@gmail.com>
>>>>   On Oct 17, 2015, at 11:28 AM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu
>>>>   <listse...@me.com <mailto:listse...@me.com>> wrote:
>>>>   You can report bugs to accessibil...@apple.com
>>>>   <mailto:accessibil...@apple.com>.  You can also, if you have
>>>>   access to the Apple Bug Reporter, Radar, use that system to file
>>>>   bugs against the “Accessibility” classification.
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