Its called the Goldilocks principle. Most people cannot find that perfect bed to lie in or the perfect chair to sit in.

From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Many believe that we have been visited
in the past. What if it were true?

On 10/1/2015 1:13 AM, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
A philosophical pondering which probably will get me flogged and called names 
but isn’t it strange how when a new release of the MacOs comes out, the things 
that stay longest around in the blind community are the bugs and the negative? 
If by chance there would be things that actually could effect us positively 
that would hardly be mentioned at all and if they are, they quickly drown in 
the negative comments. I have used El Capitan from Beta 1 and am loving it! 
I’ve noticed one bug but i can live with it since it was much, much worse in 
the developer betas. I can’t remember this much negativity coming when windows 
or new jaws releases came along, it’s like Apple still is the under dog and it 
has to be perfect and even then we’d probably find something that’s not right.
But why should anyone listen i’m a minority and go against what the majority 
says so i must be wrong by default.

30 sep. 2015 kl. 19:56 skrev Alex Hall <>:

Hi all,
Just a note to say that El Capitan has been released. I compiled a bug list for 
AppleVis which I strongly recommend everyone looks at, as there are some pretty 
major problems on there. I also wrote a blog, and did a podcast, covering the 
new features in VoiceOver. Links:

Bug List:

New Features Blog:

New Features Podcast:

I realized, in reading this email back, that it might come off as a little 
arrogant. I don't mean it that way, I just wanted to give people a single place 
to get some coverage about the new OS, and those are the only 
accessibility-centric sources I know of for now.

Have a great day,
Alex Hall

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