Hi Chris, absolutely, I regularly back-up and restore VM files to and from 
external media and ILM is fine.
Jonathan Mosen
Mosen Consulting
Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training

> On 14/06/2015, at 7:04 pm, Chris Meredith <talli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Fantastic!  I was admittedly not looking forward to having my keys hanging 
> off my Mac any time I wanted to run both operating systems.
> Has this also been tested with altering the hard disk space, or backing up 
> and restoring the virtual machine to/from external media?
> Related to all of this, I can’t help but wonder why “Remove Authorization” 
> doesn’t actually increment my available authorization count … which is 
> actually probably another question for another thread on another list at 
> another time.
> -C-
>> On Jun 13, 2015, at 11:48 PM, Jonathan Mosen <jmo...@mosen.org 
>> <mailto:jmo...@mosen.org>> wrote:
>> Hi Chris, there were changes made to JAWS 16 that make it highly tolerant of 
>> VM changes. You can very the RAM, the number of CPUs etc and not lose an 
>> authorisation, so there's really no reason to avoid using ILM if you have it.
>> Jonathan Mosen
>> Mosen Consulting
>> Blindness technology eBooks, tutorials and training
>> http://Mosen.org <http://mosen.org/>
>>> On 14/06/2015, at 5:04 pm, Chris Meredith <talli...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:talli...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Greetings.
>>> I’m trying to get a VM spun up with Fusion and JAWS.  I’m loath to use an 
>>> ILM authorization (I shall leave my editorial comments on what I make of 
>>> their authorization scheme for another time), so I’m using a hardware 
>>> dongle from a prior life wherein I worked on the team that developed a 
>>> widely used operating system whose name is the same as  those panes of 
>>> glass that some of you may look through from time to time.
>>> Unfortunately, instructing Fusion to connect my SafeNet Pro dongle to the 
>>> Windows VM results in several minutes of nothing, followed by a “driver 
>>> error” from Fusion.  The Fusion KB seems to point me in the direction of an 
>>> installed “SentinelSystemDrier.pkg” on the Mac side, except that this 
>>> doesn’t exist.  Has anyone gotten this working?  I’d totally be cool with 
>>> NVDA, except that there is some support lacking with NVDA and Visual Studio.
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