Although I have not had this exact problem generally on Adobe Flash installs I encounter 2 problems. 1. You tend to have to use shift vo space to activate the buttons. so it might be worth doing this as well to see if it prevents you being dumped out of the install app.. 2. The install tends to throw up "helper" htm windows with messages like close Safari to complete the install and other things. These can remove focus from the install app so you need to use Window Chooser to interact with these windows and respond to them.

David Griffith
rto On 27/03/2015 19:22, Lisette Wesseling wrote:
Hi Tim,
I re-downloaded the file just now which had a different file name and got me a 
lot further with installing flash player.
I got as far as agreeing to the license terms. When I press vo space on the "I 
agree" check box to check it, I'm thrown out of the installer and back into finder. 
It's as if I pressed the quit button which I didn't.
Do you get this problem, and how do you get around it?
Thanks so much.


On 27/03/2015, at 10:12 am, Tim Kilburn <> wrote:


That Installer Helper HTML area should not be empty.  IF you Interact with it, 
VO usually can read info about what’s going on.  It’s the only area that is 
usually of any use to you.  If there are any apps open like Safari, Chrome, 
System Preferences etc, that use Flash in some manner, they will need to be 
quit, otherwise, Flash won’t finish installing.  As mentioned, I often get a 
message about FlashBridge Cross Platform needing to be quit and the only way 
I’ve found to do that is through the Activity Monitor since it is not really an 

A few questions:

• Do you have an item called Flash Player in your System Preferences?
• If so, what version does it say you have installed?


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Mar 26, 2015, at 14:40, Lisette Wesseling <> wrote:

Hi Tim and anybody else who can help,
I am having immense difficulty installing flash. Is the installer really buggy 
or something?
I'm at the point where I've downloaded the disk image. I open the installer 
app. I'm warned about this and I continue. I'm asked for my computer username 
and password which I type in and press enter. I get a window called adobe flash 
player installer. Next to this is an installer helper html area which is empty. 
That's all. There's a close button and nothing else, and nothing seems to be 
I've tried going through system prefs again to re download it. I hit the 
download link and nothing downloads. Any ideas?

On 27/03/2015, at 7:33 am, Tim Kilburn <> wrote:


There was a discussion about this just a few days ago on this list.  A few 
varied but similar responses.  The basic gist, if it’s Flash,

• Go to System Preferences.
• Press on the Flash button.
• Select the Advanced pane.
• Interact with the Scroll area.
• Navigate to the Check Now button and press it.
• If there’s an update available, you will be told in a dialog at this point.  
Choose Update.

This will take you into your browser and directly to the latest Flash 
installer.  I usually just press tab until the Install Now link is read, then I 
press return.  It will then download to your Downloads folder and you can open 
the .dmg file and run the installer package from there.  If Safari or another 
Flash needing app is running, the installer will pause asking you to quit them 
all.  Sometimes there’s a “Force Close All”, sometimes not.  If the “Flash 
Bridge Cross Platform” service is running, you’ll need to quit that process 
from the Activity Monitor app which is located in the Utilities folder.

Other than that, the only thing you may need to do is use VO-shift-space to 
activate a button while in the Flash Installer as the regular VO-space doesn’t 
work for these buttons.



Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Mar 26, 2015, at 12:11, Eleanor Roberts <> 

I think it's the Adobi Flash Player, but I'll find out more accurately for you. 
Sorry I can't be more  help yet, but quite frankly I don't really know what 
he's on about as I don't use it.


Sent from my iPad

On 26 Mar 2015, at 17:00, Tim Kilburn <> wrote:


Which Adobe product is he using?


Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada

On Mar 26, 2015, at 09:37, Eleanor Roberts <> 

Hi all

I'm asking this  on behalf of a friend. He has a Mac, and uses Adobi an awful 
lot to listen to media files (radio etc I believe). Anyway, he wants to update 
Adobi but doesn't know how to do it on his Mac using VO, as this is the first 
time he's had to update since getting the computer. So was wondering if someone 
who does know could send me some instructions  whichh I could pass on to him on 
how to do this?

Many thanks.


Sent from my iPad

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