I'm using Cox Cable and when I first signed up for this list I was  
having the same problem.  I discovered that everything from this list  
was going to the spam folder and the only way I could look at the  
messages was to go to the Cox website.
Once I   turned the spam filter off I  started getting the messages to  
my inbox.       
On Oct 21, 2009, at 4:22 PM, Chuck Reichel wrote:

> Hi Israel,
> I have been experiencing the same problem plus about every 90 days or
> so iget a $ pot full of emails that people said they have sent. Since
> Bellsouth.net got bought out by AT&T this has been happening. Now At&t
> just got together with yahoo and the problem is getting more
> intermittent.
> There tech  support  at AT&T leaves much to be desired! LOL I have all
> junk filters turned off.
> Any thoughts?
> Talk soon
> Chuck Reichel     954-742-0019
> On Oct 21, 2009, at 3:36 PM, Israel wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> Has anyone else been having issues not receiving all emails when  
>> using
>> Mail?
>> 1. When I open Mail, I hear the "ding" sound informing me I have a  
>> new
>> email yet when checking my in box, there isn't a new message there.
>> This happens a few times a week where I hear the new message sound  
>> but
>> it isn't in my in box.  I'll check sent and trash boxes in case they
>> went there, but no they don't.  When I bought my Mac, my local Apple
>> Store moved all emails from my PC to the Mac leaving them in the same
>> mailboxes in which they were in on my PC.  In, Sent, and deleted.
>> That means I have six mailboxes.  3 for my Mac mail activities and  
>> the
>> 3 Apple Store experts moved from my PC.  So, I even check those
>> mailboxes but the supposed new emails I just received are not there
>> either.
>> 2. The way I have concluded I am not receiving emails is that as part
>> of my Facebook account, by default, I get sent emails on every FB
>> notification such as; friend request, comments on my status, FB  
>> email,
>> etc.  I noticed that three times in three months, I did not receive  
>> an
>> email about FB notification and found out when logging on to the site
>> that in fact I had a friend request or response to a status update.
>> I had hoped both these were bugs which would be fixed after I
>> installed Snow Leopard which I did ten days ago.  Yet, since last
>> night, I have noticed that if I don't check email for an hour, then I
>> do check, I'll see that I have 3 new messages from FB.  Yet, logging
>> on to FB, I find out that in the same hour, I should have been sent
>> ten email notifications.  Normally, I would chalk this up to an FB
>> issue, but the fact that I frequently hear the sound for new emails
>> and don't receive new messages makes me think this is a Mail problem.
>> Any thoughts?
>> Israel Antonio
>> Sexy Isra
> >

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