They may have wiped their Twitter feed, yet the replies were directed at me. I 
was asking valid questions that made them defensive. Coming from a corporate 
account, it seemed to me One could have been a little more professional. They 
may have wiped their Twitter feed, yet they did not wipe mine. I was able to 
harvest all of the replies and my comments, I am in the process of aggregating  
everything  in order to attempt to get a public apology for the way they 
treated me and others who were supporters and customers. I have someone who has 
agreed to help me post it in a public place where it can be seen by the right 
people. I'm not going to post those things on this list. That would get me 
nowhere. I posted the blog along with my comment, for informational purposes 
only. It was not meant to inflame anyone or defame  anyone. 

Pam Francis

On Nov 24, 2014, at 3:55 PM, Aleeha Dudley <blindcowgirl1...@gmail.com> wrote:

I have a feeling that, even if we tried to be as gentle as possible,
they would still act like children. Before they wiped it, their
Twitter feed contained some mildly offensive and childish statements.
Seems to me that there's little hope...

> On 11/24/14, The Believer <ancient.ali...@icloud.com> wrote:
>    Instead of putting them on the defensive, perhaps you can make
> suggestions to keep the service going. The only static in life is
> change, No one likes change yet its inevitable and not being willing to
> adapt to change will only break your head on that brick wall.
>    No company is going to be totally forthcoming about their business
> decisions. And no one who was let go will also be forthcoming if they
> signed an agreement to that effect.
>    We can read all we want between the lines, it will get us nowhere.
> The adaptive industry IS changing and much of it is not good. The bottom
> line is what they need to go on to continue.
> From The Believer. . .
>  . . . what if it were true?
> ancient.ali...@icloud.com
>> On 11/24/2014 10:11 AM, Pamela Francis wrote:
>>  Hello,
>> Yes, I have attempted to tell them how invaluable their services have
>> been. However what I told them however,  They came out very defensive as
>> if they were a child rather than a Corporation  closing the door on a
>> resource many people depended on.
>> Pam Francis
>> On Nov 24, 2014, at 10:24 AM, Shawn Krasniuk <bbssh...@icloud.com> wrote:
>> Hi Pamela. I agree with everything you said. Have you considered saying
>> what you've said to Serotek directly?
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 24, 2014, at 3:30 AM, Pamela Francis <gypsykitt...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>   Revving Up for the Road Ahead
>>> Serotek is undergoing some changes to better meet your needs as a digital
>>> consumer. The assistive technology industry has been shifting for a while
>>> now, and it would be foolish to believe yesterday’s formula will continue
>>> to work in today’s age of wearable technology, smart homes, and
>>> interconnected media.
>>> Understandably, there may be questions about the longevity of the
>>> products and services you have come to rely on. For years Serotek has
>>> thought outside the box to deliver the most affordable solutions with the
>>> best customer and product support, and there are no plans to reverse this
>>> pattern of innovation to meet you where you need us.
>>> You may also be wondering about the future of the SeroTalk Podcast
>>> Network, arguably one of the leading content providers on all things
>>> technology. There is a time to cover headlines, and there is a time to
>>> create them. As long as the community remains interested, SPN will evolve
>>> alongside its parent company. For now, we have to deal with the reality
>>> of blunt, but truthful, comments such as that left by one loyal customer
>>> who wondered if we were finally going to stop socializing on the podcasts
>>> and finally get back to product development.
>>> Given the number of conflicting rumors surrounding the popular platform,
>>> the story is this: Ownership of SPN was offered to Joe Steinkamp and
>>> Ricky Enger under a highly attractive earn-out formula. Serotek offered
>>> to continue financing the website, podcast, and production and platform
>>> hosting required to maintain a consistent user experience. Serotek is
>>> aware of the value they provided to the community. Unfortunately, they
>>> elected not to accept this offer. The Serotek team has no doubt Joe and
>>> Ricky will be a valuable asset to the community in other capacities and
>>> wish them all the best in their new endeavors.
>>> Our goals were not to eliminate people, but rather, to realign the
>>> company structure and shift company functions that are hindering growth,
>>> steps that were required to keep Serotek from becoming one more casualty
>>> of the new landscape. It is unfortunate that three other teammates
>>> abruptly opted to follow other directions, but we respect their choices
>>> and also wish them the absolute best in whatever they pursue.
>>> Change is sometimes a scary prospect. Yet change moved us away from the
>>> cell phone to the smart phone, from the TV to the tablet, and from
>>> yesterday’s computer to today’s cloud. We’re working hard to keep you in
>>> the middle of it, where you belong. Contrary to competing rumors, Serotek
>>> is not down for the count. We’re squarely in your corner and ready to
>>> meet the next phase with the same fervor we’re well known for.
>>> Stay tuned. The best is on its way, and you are going to be a part of
>>> it.
>>> Understandably, one's business model must change with the evolution of
>>> technology. However, dissemination of information and resources through
>>> your many podcasts came to be a staple in the lives of many people within
>>> the blind community. given the national and international listenership
>>> you had, I cannot believe there would not be someone or a group to form a
>>> partnership that would've taken ownership of that network in order to
>>> keep that resource alive. Not everyone who listened to the podcasts were
>>> home, collecting a check. Per your blog, Joe and Ricky were offered
>>> ownership of the network. Why was it strictly limited to Joe and Ricky?
>>> What you have to realize, is that within those podcasts  kept your
>>> product name alive among consumers. why keep Iblink radio? The majority
>>> of what is on Iblink radio can be found within other services. if it is
>>> only going to serve as a vehicle to distribute material I can get
>>> elsewhere, it's not worth taking the space on my phone, my Mac, or my iP
> ad. I personally since the inception of the monthly subscription service
> have wanted to sign up for it, however it  is not available for Mac. I
> refuse to pull out my windows machine for one program. from everything I was
> told, one cannot participate in Samnet chat via Mac. however, given the way
> this  specific change was handled, even if you made it for Mac I'm afraid to
> sign up for it. How would I know the rug wouldn't be pulled out from under
> me without notice?  Any reputable corporation gives its customer base notice
> of its changes. we as participants, listeners, and/or consumers of your
> product were at least owed a thank you from your podcast team  for our
> support of the network. I personally,  do not have to know the backstory of
> everyone's business. However, if I am a regular contributor/supporter, at
> least I want to know, if the service ends, I'm appreciated. that is why I
> see your blog post as nothing more than saving face. Who, in their right
> mind, is going to be able to tru
> st you developing any future services having had the type of shakeup you had
> with no notice to the community? If in fact this happened the way you say it
> did with Joe and Ricky having been offered ownership of the network, turning
> it down, subsequently the three other team members leaving at the same time
> shows an extreme amount of commraderey  You won't find  anywhere else. my
> guess is, it had more to do with no funds to pay them. However, that is
> neither here nor there. You were at   one time a very promising company. At
> this point, all I can say is RIP
>>> --
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Aleeha Dudley and Seeing Eye Yellow Labrador Dallas
Vice President, Ohio Association of Blind Students
Email: blindcowgirl1...@gmail.com
Follow me on Twitter at @blindcowgirl199

The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horse's ears.
- Arabian Proverb

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