Thank God Eileen you have some sense.
There are too many people out here who are too willing to settle for
whatever Apple gives us for fear of everything being taken from us.
If we don't make our voices heard, Apple will take everything from
us slowly but surely, and leaving the same people very grateful for
the little they still have. How asinine. If we were proactive no one
would have anything to be afraid of. It's not about complaining it's
about being constructive. Our cited counterparts don't have any
issues with making their voices known about a product defect of some
sort. We shouldn't either. Ultimately those who say something to
make it right for everyone gain more respect in the long run. The
majority of blind people have been conditioned to gripe within their
own bunch rather then communicate with those who could conceivably
help them for fear that they won't help them. I enjoy the
interaction and the help from any list I subscribed to technically
oriented. However at the same time I'm also one who will pick up the
phone or write an email to someone without having to answer to a
group or organization.
If more of us did that there would be less to be afraid of.
Pam Francis
On Oct 19, 2014, at 4:57 PM, Eileen Misrahi <> wrote:
For many years, Apple has been held to a higher standard in
accessibility. I posted about a problem that I was having and still
having with updating my apps in the app store on my iPhone 4 using
iOS 7.0.6. I did white to the accessibility team at Apple, but
received an unacceptable response. They basically stated that they
couldn't communicate with my address (a joke), and to either restore
from a recent backup or to restore to the default settings. I
regarded this as a lame excuse. Because I am just waiting for the
next iOS 8.1 update, I was willing to leave it alone until another
friend indicated that he was having the same trouble using iOS
7.1.2. We put our heads together and came up with 2 work arounds,
but why do we need to be the ones that have to think out-of-the-box
all of the time? I believe that we all need to become more
pro-active and make our voices heard with the Apple accessibility
team. It's not enough just for less than a handful to make Apple
aware of all of the screwups that have happened in iOS 8 and now in
Yosemite. I don't want to seem like I'm complaining, but as a blind
community we need to continue to hold Apple to a higher standard and
keep plugging away to obtain the products that r sighted
counterparts just take for granted. JMO.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 19, 2014, at 1:53 PM, Christopher Hallsworth
<> wrote:
> Well, same was true when iOS 8 beta 1 was released to developers.
It wasn't very nice at all. Good job it only ran on my mini as
didn't want to get stuck with an unreliable, possibly unusable 4s.
All is history now.
>> On 19/10/2014 21:18, Brandt Steenkamp wrote:
>> For those complaining about Yosemite, be grateful, Apple did not
release developer preview one to the public.
>> I will not go into detail here, but suffice it to say, it was
not a very nice experience.
>> Everything is working like clockwork on my end now, including
all continuity features, except SMS, which is not suppose to work yet anyway.
>> I am grateful we have no Windows computers in the house, for if
my soon to be wife was running anything but a Mac yesterday when
her computer decided to give us trouble, we would have been up crap
creak without a paddle.
>> Warm regards,
>> Brandt Steenkamp
>> Sent from my macbook pro
>> Contact me:
>> Mobile/iMessage/WatsApp: +27605259181
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>> +(1)760-5140161
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>> Skype: Brandt.steenkamp007
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>> Twitter: brandtsteenkamp
>>> On 19 Oct 2014, at 10:08 PM, Christopher Hallsworth
<> wrote:
>>> Yeah, I feel some have so much time on their hands they want to
do nothing but complain and even go as far as bashing Apple. Not
fair if you ask me considering the timeless work they do for
everybody, not just us.
>>>> On 19/10/2014 20:04, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
>>>> I can't agree with you more Juan. I don't know if i'm grumpy,
tired or what, but it seems to me some times we like to complain
just for the sake of complaining. I really do hope that when and if
we report bugs to Apple that we don't use the tone we use here,
because if we do, they might just quit giving us the accessibility
we're so proud of and guess what, we would deserve it too.
>>>> /Krister
>>>>> 19 okt 2014 kl. 19:18 skrev Juan Hernandez <>:
>>>>> Yosemite works great. I love the arrow key nav in safari.
>>>>> I don't see all of the lag that others see.
>>>>>> On Oct 19, 2014, at 9:26 AM, Pamela Francis
<> wrote:
>>>>>> Like an idiot, I did update. I have one word to say to you
about updating. Don't, under any condition.
>>>>>> Pam Francis
>>>>>> On Oct 18, 2014, at 6:41 PM, The Believer
<> wrote:
>>>>>> My philosophy is to wait. If you want to help with the bugs
and all that, go for it. If your Mavericks experience is smooth and
trouble free, I would wait until Yosemite matures a bit more. Some
of the new features I am quite interested in but they are not life
changing. Same goes for iOS 8.
>>>>>> From The Believer. . .
>>>>>> . . . what if it were true?
>>>>>>> On 10/18/2014 4:37 PM, jeffrey greene wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi, Well I've been reading about every bodies problems with
OSX 10.10. So,. do you think I should upgrade from mavericks? Or do
you think it would be better to wait for 10.10.1? I have a 2012
macbook pro with a quad-core processor and quite a bit of memory.
Any thoughts would be appreciated!
>>>>>>> Jeff
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