Well, I wouldn't know about their IOS app since I use voice dream reader.
and, to each his own, I suppose.  It makes the world go round

On Apr 17, 2014, at 7:16 PM, Devin Prater <d.pra...@me.com> wrote:

> Yes, but Bookshare's iOS sucks compared to the BARD app. And who wants to add 
> BRF files from email or dropbox to bard all the time? I'd rather have more 
> NLS books. 
> Devin Prater
> Sent from my iPod 5.
> iMessage, facebook, and face-time: devinpra...@live.com
> email: d.pra...@me.com
> Google Talk/keychat: r.d.t.pra...@gmail.com
>> On Apr 17, 2014, at 17:52, Caitlyn and Maggie <caitlyn.furn...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Better to help bookshare out, I think.  Their library is already much bigger 
>> then the nLS one.
>> I also belive that NLS has it's own way of increasing it's library, and 
>> volunteers submitting material isn't included in it.  I could be badly 
>> mistaken, though!
>> Cait
>>> On Apr 17, 2014, at 1:55 PM, Eric Oyen <eric.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> perhaps its time that those of us with braille note taker devices start 
>>> volunteering some time to getting new braille books submitted to the NLS. 
>>> the only really bad hitch I see with this is the copyright laws here in the 
>>> US. If that doesn't turn out to be an issue, then we can all participate in 
>>> expanding the current library of braille materials from its very low 
>>> percentage to something far better. My one reason for us doing this is: we 
>>> need braille literacy and there just isn't enough available materials to go 
>>> around. The last braille loaner I tried to get from the local talking book 
>>> library was on backorder for several months. This, among other reasons, is 
>>> why we need to expand the electronic library versions. Having those files 
>>> available will mean that one can simply get them printed through a local 
>>> branch.
>>> anyway, it would be nice to be able to read braille from any document 
>>> around.
>>> -eric
>>> ---------- 2 of 5 ----------
>>> From: Teresa Cochran <batsfly...@me.com>
>>> Date: Apr 17 06:12AM -0700
>>> Url: http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries/msg/1ce6a32a759c493b
>>> If you convert a file to html, louis will convert it to brf. That makes 
>>> sense, since the markup is text as well. Going the other way is a little 
>>> more problematic. Half the time Louis interprets braille italics as dots 
>>> 4-6 in computer braille, putting a period before each word instead.
>>> Personally, even with programs such as Kurzweil, I always found back 
>>> translation to be less than desirable. There are too many variables, and 
>>> sometimes there are strange results with it. Saying this as primarily a 
>>> braille reader, there are very many more books available in audio and other 
>>> formats than in Braille. In my personal experience, I've started keeping 
>>> brf files in their format and using a Braille display to type in them, 
>>> rather than back-translating. Of course, I have the luxury of having a 
>>> braille display.
>>> Teresa
>>> Teresa Cochran
>>> batsfly...@me.com
>>> Facebook
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